Pullinbig, this is your final warning - and I mean it!

Here you go PB, maybe this one?


that'l be the last one from me, promise:)
sweet. that brings back memories. i bet the aroma is exquiset. nice texture, good visual arrangement, the added items such as the football mag and the toilet paper help to accent but not dominate the seen. very well done. i give it a 9.5.

a man of your obvious talents should be able to make that into a scratch and sniff photo for all of us to enjoy.
that pic's pretty damn hard to look at for more then a second or 2.
yes... i know. i am in touch with my feminine side, comfortable in my own skin, secure in my masculinity and most of all know a good shit when i see one. thanks so much for sharing this with me. i feel as if we have bonded. we have carried this relationship to the next level. I am glad to have you in my life. i find your posts whitty and informative. ahhhhh.....life is good.:bsflag: :bsflag: