Pure Strength cycle suggestions...?


New member
Hey fellas,

I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a pure strength cycle. I don't need a lot of weight gain (I'm already around the 295lb mark with about 15-18% bf) and I'm not into trying to get lean or ripped. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Testosterone is wonderful for nearly everything.

I'm thinking testosterone plus dbol.

How tall are you? That's a lot of weight (good thing)!
6'3. I've been as heavy as 323 in the past but I felt extremely bloated (my diet wasn't the greatest). I don't mind getting back up to that weight, but I don't want to lose my athleticism. That is why weight isn't an issue for me. What do you think of anadrol (sp?)
IMO test suspension or pretty much any test , anavar, halo, tren, and anadrol work the best for strength
DaddyD said:
IMO test suspension or pretty much any test , anavar, halo, tren, and anadrol work the best for strength
those cover it pretty well but since hes not gung ho on getting bigger i would skip the drol :)
Halotestin at 30-40mg/day for 6 weeks will put your strength through the roof with very little increase in body weight. Remember to take liver supps throughout!
Halo/test suspension/tren = strong mother fucker...
30 / 100/ 75
test tren for 8 weeks
halo first 4 weeks.....
Be careful injuries can occur from this as your strength will jump by lbs per day.....
I have run this cycle and I am almost the exact same size as you except a little taller , a little fatter, and a little heavier....
"Although Halotestin appears to be more androgenic than testosterone, the anabolic effect of it is not very strong. This makes it a great strength drug, but not the best for gaining serious muscle mass."
I've used test 400, sustanon, deca 200 and 300, dbol (reforvit), and drol in the past. Of course not at the same time.