Pushing 40?

IMT staff

Official Sponsor
If you are approaching 40 years of age or beyond, you are probably starting to realize you can no longer train like you did in your 20s. As a matter of fact, if you’re like most, you can’t even get out of bed like you did in your 20s. Whether it’s the result of injuries, age or both, our bodies can no longer perform in the manner they once did. And if we want to continue to train hard, be healthy and improve, we must make the necessary changes. I learned this lesson the hard way.

At 36, I tore both quadricepses in seven places. The orthopedic said the MRI revealed they were mainly fascia tears not requiring surgery. Nonetheless, my legs had bruising all over them, I had to walk with crutches for a week and couldn’t squat without weight for almost two months. Eighteen weeks later, I tore my right hamstring. At 38, I had to have a partial triceps tendon tear reattached. At 39, I partially (20%-25%) tore my pec, but opted not to get surgery.

Pushing 40? - Blog - Testosterone replacement & general men's health articles
As a 40 yo firefighter that article fits me to a t . Only difference is the injuries. I've started seeing a hrt doctor here in south fl. My t was 300. So he put me on clomid 25mg ed and half a tab of adex twice a week. I've put on 10 lbs and feel just as crappy. I've been on this since 12/20/12. I called him for a follow up and I'm getting my blood work done this wed. I'm thinking you guys are the go too pros. I just don't think a shot of test every two weeks will bring me to the level I want to live at. I'd like to try a hcg / test protocol. Do you guys use protocols like that. Or can you elaborate on the programs you use.
We have many different protocols, all researched based. Some are very intricate and personalized and some are a little more basic, we custom tailor it to your needs.

The best thing to do is fill out the new patient forms and submit them with your lab work to get a no cost, no obligation pre approval. Then you can get on the phone with one of our representatives and decide which route is best for you.

Programs we offer consist of:

Testosterone Optimization
Growth Hormone Optimization
Chronic Fatigue
Adrenal Insufficiency
Nutraceutical Balancing
Genetic Testing
Amino Acid Profiling
HPTA Normalization

to name a few....

We need the pre approval to know which programs you will qualify for, dependent on medical diagnostics, history, state and federal regulations.
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