putting together a cycle! need help!


New member
wassup guys,

as the title says i am looking to put together my 2nd cycle. i am still unsure what i want to take. this is why i am asking you fellow members.
i am stuck between: Deca/sus combo or straight test(sus).

little bit about me:
- 24 years old at the end of the year.
- ~150lbs lol been lifting hard since high school ended so quite a few years ago.
- id say my diet is improving since i started working out. i try for 4-6 meals a day depending how busy i am at work.

this is what i have come up with from doing some research on my own. criticism on my stack please, i could use some tweaks from you guys, here we go.

deca 300/sus 300 combo:

week 1-10: deca 300/week or more??
week 1-12: sus 500 or 600/week?
week 1-12 OR week 4-12 of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500/week?
after my last shot of test(sus) another 10-12 days of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 500/day

this is where i am unsure what to do for pct.

i know i should be on pct(clomid/nolvadex) for 4-6 weeks after Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but not sure when to start pct.


i was thinking about running test(sus 300) alone but not sure how much a week.

and im still unsure about arimidex either? lol

any advice is greatly appreciated.

i DID post this in the other section and i apologize for that.
150lbs? whats ur height at? I would take the time to dial in your diet first dude; it doesn't sound like you really got that part down yet. how much did you gain off your first cycle and how much have you kept since? If you haven't kept much then its clearly a lack of diet and the same thing is probably gonna happen again.