Quality or finnea and tri-tech... Any experience??? Canadian labs


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Quality or finnea and tri-tech...for a friend.... Any experience??? Canadian labs

My buddy is taking tritech test and finnea orals... He is paying up the ass for them almost twice as much at psl's ep line...
I told him to switch to psl and he asked how does that quality compare, i told him psl is legit but i know nothing of the labs he is on except every noob i know who buys locally is on finnea so in order for me to compare ep to them i need to find some info on these labs first. Lol... But there isnt much to look up on these so i fivured id ask you guys....
I dont wanna ask the people who i know are on them because they all know nothing and finnea is the only brand theyve tried

So any of u guys try these labs and howd did u like it
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Based on what i read about finnea is: its legit but the quality sucks, a few posts i read "average at best" and a couple "not worth switching labs for"... So im guessing its a 4/10...
What do you think?

As for tri-tech i read that in early 2014 they opened up business, not getti g onto any reputable boards and being on ones that talk about buying illocit drugs as well... Just about every post on it was "its a new brand and wait a while to hear results" but thats where it ends and no one says yay or nay
The buddy im doing this research for (i just found out he cycled today, hes on week six) he was taking only finnea up until 2weeks ago now he included tritech... Hes taking 750mg of test, 100mg of anavar a d has gained thirty pounds with that said... Hes not taking an ai and he was 127lbs at 5"11 and is eating 3900cals a day so its all water, fat and extra food weight (needlss to say).... I told him thats wayyy to much calories and for a fee ill make him a diet with proper cals and a 35c/33p/32f diet... I was thinking traditional 50/30/20... But its hard to when fast food is included for three of the 5meals+pwo shake

He is on the road all the time and said to be sure to included fast food into his daily diet cause that realistic for him lol... Dirty bulkier!!!! Lol

After talking to him he realized his source doesnt know what they are talking about and now i thnk that the tritech is fake because he is now taking tritech test and finnea anavar, he said he is having sexual issues, at first i thought it could be estro but now im thinkin its cause tritech is fake.... Funny what people put in their body without researching and even after gaining sodes he is still taking it... Must not have a gf or something lol.

So still looking to see if any of you tried either of these?
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