question about blood work before cycle


New member
Alright, so about a week and a half ago I got some blood work done because I was planning on doing a cycle and I wanted to make sure everything was good. The doctors never called me back after the 3 days they said they would have called me if something was wrong. So i began the cycle, which I am on my second day on (M-drol). I had the doctors office mail me the blood report so i could look it over. It wasnt all good though! This is my problem because I am on my second day of the cycle and I can either stop here or continue on. The ones I was high on are below. I have listed my result first with the attached reference interval after.

AST 48 (ref 0-40)
BUN/creatinine ratio 24 (ref 8-19)
Hemoglobin 17.4 (ref 12.5-17)
Hematocrit 51.1 (ref 36-50)
BUN 29 (ref 6-20)

I have tried to do some research on this and I know AST and ALT give you an idea of liver health. The AST I am high on but the ALT Im good on and within the reference interval. The rest of them Im not sure on what they measure and if they are important. So the question is should I stop this cycle now, or continue because the numbers arent really all that bad?
