Question about GH blood work & peptides


New member
I've had tests done to confirm that, like most of us, my IGF-1 levels correlate with my GH levels. When I'm on HGH my blood work shows that with elevated IGF-1 numbers. Nothing surprising.

Lately, I've been doing 100mcg each or CJC-1295 (no DAC) + Ipamorelin before bed. I had blood work done and my IGF-1 number was shit low. So, why the discrepancy? Good old injected HGH sticks around longer? I know the GH pulse is pretty short with my peptides. It's just a little shocking because I can't test the efficacy I guess ... without monitoring "live" after each peptide injection. Does this sound correct?
the GHRP/GHRH combo at 3x per day, will only raise IGF levels roughly 10%. So I'm not surprised that 1x per day at bed didn't raise them much at all.
the GHRP/GHRH combo at 3x per day, will only raise IGF levels roughly 10%. So I'm not surprised that 1x per day at bed didn't raise them much at all.

at 100/100 doses yes. but at 150/250 it should be higher.

the real GH lasts way way longer. 8/10/14hrs. the peptides last 30-40min. so you need to be using the pep's 3-4x ED to get similar results.

150/250 GHRH/GHRP 3x ED should be very very close to 5-7 iu
I did similar testing on myself a few months back using GHRp-2 and CJC-1295. There was zero increase to my igf levels and I had blood drawn soon after the injection!

I like things that I can prove to myself are effective. IGF-DES increased my IGF-1 by over 200 pts above baseline on 100mcg/ day shot.

Spongy will be testing his IGF-1 levels after being on LR3 for a bit. Very curious how those pan out.

Some peps are effective and can be proven to be effective, the ones that can't be proven I will avoid in the future.
at 100/100 doses yes. but at 150/250 it should be higher.

the real GH lasts way way longer. 8/10/14hrs. the peptides last 30-40min. so you need to be using the pep's 3-4x ED to get similar results.

150/250 GHRH/GHRP 3x ED should be very very close to 5-7 iu

Well the peak of the peptide combo is about the 20 minute mark, then quickly falls off over a 3 hour window.
Hmm... confused

O.k., so there are at least three possibilities:
(1) The peptide combo doesn't actually do anything.
(2) The peptide combo raises GH but GH falls off too fast for us to test outside a lab.
(3) The peptide combo raises GH, but somehow IGF is NOT raised with it.

Pitt63, which are you suggesting?
This is kind of a bummer for those of us looking to use peptides as GH replacement therapy because the natural GH profile has a quick rise to a bumpy plateau that drifts downward from the 4-6 hour mark. To get anything like this with pep's I guess you'd have to do like 4 injections throughout the night, which isn't really feasible...
At the low dose that you are running.. 100/100 1x per day I'm not surprised that it didn't raise your IGF levels. As I stated above.. 100/100 3x per day will only raise your igf levels about 10%. So depending on what your baseline is.. ?? You see what I'm saying. There are many more benefits to the peptide combo other than what you would get from a rise in IGF. The IGF is what causes cell proliferation. So if LBM gains are what you are looking for, you will need to raise the dose. I find that 600mcg's+ per day of GHRP and 300mcg's of GHRH, is my sweet spot for the anabolic effects of the combo.
At the low dose that you are running.. 100/100 1x per day I'm not surprised that it didn't raise your IGF levels. As I stated above.. 100/100 3x per day will only raise your igf levels about 10%. So depending on what your baseline is.. ?? You see what I'm saying. There are many more benefits to the peptide combo other than what you would get from a rise in IGF. The IGF is what causes cell proliferation. So if LBM gains are what you are looking for, you will need to raise the dose. I find that 600mcg's+ per day of GHRP and 300mcg's of GHRH, is my sweet spot for the anabolic effects of the combo.

Do you mind going in to a little more detail about the benefits? I'm thinking about adding igf-1 lr3 to this stack soon. When would be the best time to pin this?
Do you mind going in to a little more detail about the benefits? I'm thinking about adding igf-1 lr3 to this stack soon. When would be the best time to pin this?

Yeah brother..

With the GHRP/GHRH combo you will see an increase in your sleep quality, it aids in digestion and partitioning, increased quality in skin, recovery, decrease in DOMS.. etc. IGF would be a great addition to this combo. They will work synergistically togehter, magnifying the benefits of both. LR3 is best used about 30 minutes post workout. Your body's natty MGF levels will release and Spike about 15-20 minutes PWO. If you were to administer the LR3 preworkout it would displace/blunt the MGF release.
Yeah brother..

With the GHRP/GHRH combo you will see an increase in your sleep quality, it aids in digestion and partitioning, increased quality in skin, recovery, decrease in DOMS.. etc. IGF would be a great addition to this combo. They will work synergistically togehter, magnifying the benefits of both. LR3 is best used about 30 minutes post workout. Your body's natty MGF levels will release and Spike about 15-20 minutes PWO. If you were to administer the LR3 preworkout it would displace/blunt the MGF release.

Thanks man. In your personal opinion, do you think it would be a better idea to increase doses on the GHRP/GHRH combo or to throw in the IGF-1 LR3 instead?
I'm a huge fan of IGF.. It's my favorite peptide on the market. Followed by MGF and Peg MGF. GHRP/GHRH are great for over all well being and health.. but IGF is where it's at for growth.
I'm a huge fan of IGF.. It's my favorite peptide on the market. Followed by MGF and Peg MGF. GHRP/GHRH are great for over all well being and health.. but IGF is where it's at for growth.

Cool, I'll be trying this one out likely in a couple weeks.
the GHRP/GHRH combo at 3x per day, will only raise IGF levels roughly 10%. So I'm not surprised that 1x per day at bed didn't raise them much at all.
no way, did you read the cjc-1295 trials, it raised gh by a factor of 2-10 fold and igf by 1-3 fold and it that was after a single injection. it was also shown to have a cumulative effect after contiuned shots....based on this study if it was real cjc not only should you show an elevation over baseline but you should be close to out of range!and that was cjc alone....these peptides are fake!!! im dying for a supplier to sponsor me using cjc and ghrp and i would get tested once a month..i would post my results monthly as i wanna find real cjc but i cant find anyone who came back with good blood work...find me some and i will be a customer for life!!!! sell me garbage and ill be your worst enemy..these scam artists gotta go and they are ALL guilty!
no way, did you read the cjc-1295 trials, it raised gh by a factor of 2-10 fold and igf by 1-3 fold and it that was after a single injection. it was also shown to have a cumulative effect after contiuned shots....based on this study if it was real cjc not only should you show an elevation over baseline but you should be close to out of range!and that was cjc alone....these peptides are fake!!! im dying for a supplier to sponsor me using cjc and ghrp and i would get tested once a month..i would post my results monthly as i wanna find real cjc but i cant find anyone who came back with good blood work...find me some and i will be a customer for life!!!! sell me garbage and ill be your worst enemy..these scam artists gotta go and they are ALL guilty!

idk they work good for me at 150 mcgs 3-4x a day now being in college i have got a chance to read some scholarly journals most about the research of some of these peptides is that it differs from person to person but they all do help increase igf now for the blood work these are done in clinical trails guys in a sterile environment like a lab/hospital with doctors being present there would be alot of blood tests involved like one every 20 mins to test for a barrage of things hence is how they know how long the half life is i cant vouch for some places but pe and extreme is where its at @jackie chan i agree with pittsburg these peptides dont last long man 3 hrs at the most you would want to do more than once a day the min i do is 150 mcgs of each so if you wanted to see if they are raising ur igf you would have to pin urself at the drs office basically so you would wanna pin that shit then go take a blood test within 30-1hr of pinning to see if its doing its thing hgh lasts longer in the body peps dont thats why you have to use more of them you cant compre hgh to peptides it would be like comparing tren ace to pro hormones if anybody wants good reads check out Introduction to Peptides and Proteins by Langel, Cravatt, Graslund,Von Heijne et. al
Steroids and Peptides by Joseph B. Dence GOOD STUFF
oh bullshit, igf-1 is shown to be constant, you can test any time of the day and it will be elevated and sterile environment? are you kidding me pal? thats the stupidest thing i ever heard and iv heard some stupid things....if in order for these peptides to show any increase over baseline you need to be in a sterile environment they are worthless..... while i understand that they have a shorter half life, most who tested , tested half an hour or less after taking a short and showed zero change from baseline. there is something wrong here.
oh bullshit, igf-1 is shown to be constant, you can test any time of the day and it will be elevated and sterile environment? are you kidding me pal? thats the stupidest thing i ever heard and iv heard some stupid things....if in order for these peptides to show any increase over baseline you need to be in a sterile environment they are worthless..... while i understand that they have a shorter half life, most who tested , tested half an hour or less after taking a short and showed zero change from baseline. there is something wrong here.

well thats why they are called research chemicals bud i highly doubt whenever they are doing research on subjects that they are going to inject a unknown substance in them in the lets say bathroom does your doctor inject you in the doctors office yes cause thats a sterile environment but just saying if it would make you happy i will go to the drs office once school starts back up and get a baseline reading on my blood test then get another one on the peps to see if they are different? but i mean im reading tons of stuff like i said above that doctors have wrote that i got at the library of my school so im willing to say that its not all fake granted it does matter where you get ur gear from cuz some people are willing to sell you snake oil thats why you gotta have a reputable site like extreme or labpe they gs/mc all their peps so its kinda trust worthy