Question about pinning frequency with esters


New member
Is there any benefit of pinning longer esters like test e or deca eod instead of 2x a week? Does it stabilize blood levels even more or is it just overkill to inject them that frequently?
Anything more frequent than E3.5D with long esters provides zero benefit. In fact, it actually builds slower to steady state values - which is where they become equal.

Short esters matter more as it will prevent instability, which can lead to side effects from more peaks/troughs. Any less frequent than M-W-F with a short ester (prop/acetate) is not recommended.

My .02c :)
Some guys find it beneficial for test e/c.

I can't imagine it would be beneficial with deca though as it has a really long ester. Twice a week probably isn't even necessary with deca but most guys do it to stay on a regular schedule and make the injection volumes smaller.
Ok thank you. A bodybuilder I know who has used aas for a while said he does deca and test e eod injections still even with the longer esters and I said I didn't think that would be any added benefit but just wanted to get some more opinions thank you.
Ok thank you. A bodybuilder I know who has used aas for a while said he does deca and test e eod injections still even with the longer esters and I said I didn't think that would be any added benefit but just wanted to get some more opinions thank you.

As Mega stated, it could also be a means to handle large volumes of oil. Once you start looking at more than 3cc every injection, it's not a bad idea to pin more frequently.
That's what I was going to say. If your doing a high volume of oil, eod injections are better then hooking up the iv bag lol
Typically, longer esters have a higher concentration of hormone in it, but it is absorbed slower. I have personally used both long and short esters, and the effects of 100mg Test Prop eod is roughly equivalent to 500mg test E every week...

I prefer long ester, personally....I dislike being a pin cushion. The problem with long esters is that if you have a bad reaction, you have s longer wait until you are clean. The benefit is: if you are unable to pin on your regular day, the longer ester will help keep your levels stable longer, rather than crashing
thank you for all the replies. I have to assume the only reason for injecting the long esters eod as mega and halfwit said would be to decrease injection volume.
Typically, longer esters have a higher concentration of hormone in it, but it is absorbed slower. I have personally used both long and short esters, and the effects of 100mg Test Prop eod is roughly equivalent to 500mg test E every week...

I prefer long ester, personally....I dislike being a pin cushion. The problem with long esters is that if you have a bad reaction, you have s longer wait until you are clean. The benefit is: if you are unable to pin on your regular day, the longer ester will help keep your levels stable longer, rather than crashing

You got this all ass backwards. Short esters have a higher concentration of hormone, not the other way around. 500mgs of prop a week would equate to more hormone then 500mgs of enanthate.
You got this all ass backwards. Short esters have a higher concentration of hormone, not the other way around. 500mgs of prop a week would equate to more hormone then 500mgs of enanthate.

I think he is referring to mg/ml. For example, you rarely see Prop dosed at 250mg/ml.