question bout mct flax and fish oil???


New member
ok i know this may sound silly flax oil and fish oil fats act like mct fats???also is it necesarry to take flax and fish oil or will they counter each other???does the fish oil boost insulin like the flax oil does do to the ala in the flax??? also about how much should be taken of each....i take right now 2.5 ml of flax oil and 1 flax oil gel cap in the mornnig worth 1 gram of fat .any help u guys could give would be nice thanks....
ok i know this may sound silly flax oil and fish oil fats act like mct fats???also is it necesarry to take flax and fish oil or will they counter each other???does the fish oil boost insulin like the flax oil does do to the ala in the flax??? also about how much should be taken of each....i take right now 2.5 ml of flax oil and 1 flax oil gel cap in the mornnig worth 1 gram of fat .any help u guys could give would be nice thanks....

Fish oil can improve insulin sensitivity, among other things, but as far as I know it doesn't act like MCTs and neither does flax.

Flax and fish oil will not counteract each other.

I don't know what you mean by "boost insulin." Fish oil does help improve insulin sensitivity, though. There is no ALA in flax oil. Only LNA (alpha-linoleic acid).

Fish oil or cod liver oil can be taken in 9-14g per day, but up to 1g/10 lbs bodyweight.

Flax oil at 4.5 to 9 grams is ok (1-2 teaspoons).
ok so which oils foods what have u ......respond like an mct oil???i know i eat tons of mixed nuts and natural pb( the kinda that has the oil on top and by time ur done mixing it u dont need to go to the gym cause ur arms are wore out) im only curiuse cause if im already eating something like that i wont waste my $$$ on buying a bottle of mct oil..but if im not i will get it ....i want to use it with a pre/during work out shake....and the question bout the flax and fish were just cover bases with those oils caus ei have a ton of flax oil ...but i wanted to know if it be more benificial to also take a fish oil also or would it be over kill ???also when would i take the fish oil???like which meal or spread evenly over the day???i take the flax gel cap either early in morn or late at night and i use the flax oil in my post work out meal shake...
adidamps2 said:
ok so which oils foods what have u ......respond like an mct oil???i know i eat tons of mixed nuts and natural pb( the kinda that has the oil on top and by time ur done mixing it u dont need to go to the gym cause ur arms are wore out) im only curiuse cause if im already eating something like that i wont waste my $$$ on buying a bottle of mct oil..but if im not i will get it ....i want to use it with a pre/during work out shake....and the question bout the flax and fish were just cover bases with those oils caus ei have a ton of flax oil ...but i wanted to know if it be more benificial to also take a fish oil also or would it be over kill ???also when would i take the fish oil???like which meal or spread evenly over the day???i take the flax gel cap either early in morn or late at night and i use the flax oil in my post work out meal shake...

It's not a good idea to eat tons of mixed nuts and especially not peanut butter. Both contain phytic acid which inhibits uptake of important nutrients and inhibits enzyme function. That's not a problem in moderation, but when you eat tons of it then it becomes not good. Peanut butter is also very high in omega-6s.

Always take fish oil. Flax oil should be the one that is a "maybe."

It's fine to take the fish oil at any time during the day, spread out or with one meal.

Coconut oil, coconut milk, and coconut meat are good sources of MCTs.
ok let me refraise my "ton of mixed nuts and pb" ...i take 2 1/2 oz of mixed nuts/trail mix which usually around 27 g of fat and 32 grams( 2 tbls) of nat pb with my post work out shake which is 16 g of fat from the pb, thats the most i use of those but i take them every day like that.... ok and as far as the sources u listed for the mct i see that take none of those yet.........cocnut meat??? is that the same as like shredded coconut??? cause i have that...other wise i think ill go ahead and orer some mct oil and see how it works with my work outs and trimming down..thanks for the responces
adidamps2 said:
ok let me refraise my "ton of mixed nuts and pb" ...i take 2 1/2 oz of mixed nuts/trail mix which usually around 27 g of fat and 32 grams( 2 tbls) of nat pb with my post work out shake which is 16 g of fat from the pb, thats the most i use of those but i take them every day like that.... ok and as far as the sources u listed for the mct i see that take none of those yet.........cocnut meat??? is that the same as like shredded coconut??? cause i have that...other wise i think ill go ahead and orer some mct oil and see how it works with my work outs and trimming down..thanks for the responces

Coconut meat is shredded coconut or the actual meat from the nut when you buy the actual coconut.

I still do not think peanut butter should be a staple in any diet.
well i love pb and it makes the pro shake taste better plus it has good fats in it so although we may disagree on the pb i appreciate ur help on the oils and settin me straight on the flax and fish oil...
adidamps2 said:
well i love pb and it makes the pro shake taste better plus it has good fats in it so although we may disagree on the pb i appreciate ur help on the oils and settin me straight on the flax and fish oil...

What "good fats" does peanut butter have? It's very high in omega-6.

r-ALA is supposed to be the natural form. Normal ALA is half r-ALA and I forget what the other half is. r-ALA is supposed to be more effective.
ok i must just be dumb about fats but i thought omega-6 was good for u plus it has poly and mono sat fats ( both of which i thought helped lower ldl cholesterol) and very lil sat fat in it and since i only use natural pb its not homoginized into useless fats....
adidamps2 said:
ok i must just be dumb about fats but i thought omega-6 was good for u plus it has poly and mono sat fats ( both of which i thought helped lower ldl cholesterol) and very lil sat fat in it and since i only use natural pb its not homoginized into useless fats....

I'll explain all this to you in detail, but a bit later...I have some things to do right now...
adidamps2 said:
ok i must just be dumb about fats but i thought omega-6 was good for u plus it has poly and mono sat fats ( both of which i thought helped lower ldl cholesterol) and very lil sat fat in it and since i only use natural pb its not homoginized into useless fats....

Here's a section of my post on diet planning:

Many people have a fear of fats, but keep in mind that the only bad fats are trans and hydrogenated fats. Excessive polyunsaturated fats such as excess vegetable or flax oil intake is bad, even though polyunsaturated fats are not bad in and of themselves. A good rule of thumb is that saturated fats and monounsaturated fats should be around equal, but saturated fats being a bit higher is perfectly fine. Polyunsaturated fats should absolutely be under 10% calories, but preferably under 6%. Most of your fats should come from animal sources, and this has the extremely important benefit of increasing testosterone levels. High intake of vegetable or flax oils without animal fats will reduce testosterone levels which reduces muscular gains. This also makes gains a higher percentage as fat. So if you want to add calories via fat, excellent sources are fatty cuts of beef or non-lean ground beef, butter, lard, egg yolks, chicken with the skin, cream, full fat cheeses, and whole milk. This will assure proper fat ratios as well as the proper fats for maintaining testosterone levels.

Omega-6 fats ARE good, but too much is bad. Generally, most people get enough omega-6 through their diets since modern foods tend to have excessive amounts of omega-6 and deficient amounts of omega-3. Because of this, peanut butter and its high omega-6 content is not advised. Peanut butter also contains phytic acid which inhibits uptake of important nutrients.

Also, peanut butter is not homogenized. They simply add in hydrogenated oils to help keep it solid. Homogenization is for milk, since the cream molecules in milk are fairly large, which causes them to separate. So they send the cream through a strainer, basically, at high pressure, and that makes smaller molecules that don't separate. This can damage the fats.

Eating poly and mono fats aren't going to do much to your cholesterol. In fact, too much polyunsaturated fat increases the oxidative stress on the body and can increase the risk of diseases. If you want to lower your cholesterol, then exercise.
hey thanks alot frosty........and trust me i do exercise besides spending 45min -1hr in the gym lifting, i also walk at least 8 miles a day on my job in the wonderful state of florida were i sweat my arse off reading electric meters......i appreciate all ur time on here givin me a hand with this fat issue..although i will increase my fat from animal sources i will prob not lower my intake of pb( sorry it just tastes too good ) ill just keep it in check and lower the rest of my nut fats though so as to not get to much nut fat in my diet...and is homoginized milk bad fats???now i just have to rethink my sources of fats and adjust them into my diet...were i have been leaving almost all animal fats out and eating lots of plant/nut fats...
adidamps2 said:
hey thanks alot frosty........and trust me i do exercise besides spending 45min -1hr in the gym lifting, i also walk at least 8 miles a day on my job in the wonderful state of florida were i sweat my arse off reading electric meters......i appreciate all ur time on here givin me a hand with this fat issue..although i will increase my fat from animal sources i will prob not lower my intake of pb( sorry it just tastes too good ) ill just keep it in check and lower the rest of my nut fats though so as to not get to much nut fat in my diet...and is homoginized milk bad fats???now i just have to rethink my sources of fats and adjust them into my diet...were i have been leaving almost all animal fats out and eating lots of plant/nut fats...

There is evidence that homogenization damages the fats in milk. It's not like eating trans or hydrogenated fats, but it's not ideal. Raw unhomogenized milk would be optimal if you want to drink milk, however the only state that allows raw milk sold in stores is California, and it is quite expensive ($12/gallon!!). That is because it has to be moved across the country FAST since it doesn't have anywhere near the shelf-life of pasturized and especially ultra-pasturized milk (which I believe has a shelf-life of 6 months unrefrigerated, while raw milk is about a week or so refrigerated).

I personally buy my milk and butter from a local farmer. It's totally raw, he's clean (I've seen the entire process), and his cows are out eating grass. No drugs or anything used, either. That's ideal, although I've found a golden source. He only charges $3/gallon for high quality milk.

If you up the animal fat intake and reduce the other plant fats, then the peanut butter will be OK. Trust me, I know what you're saying...I loooove peanut butter. Just use moderation with plant fats, that's all.

You could check out my "basic diet planning" thread over on the diet forum. Perhaps it can help you out in replanning your diet a bit. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.