Question for people with accutane experience


New member
I've been running the following anti-acne protocol:

10g Vitamin b5
Fish Oil
60mg of Accutane a week so less than 10mg a day

I barely have any acne thanks to this but is the accutane actually doing anything at that dose? I'm getting some of the sides (dry lips,eyes and I feel like wounds heal slower) and would like to drop it but afraid I might break out if I do.
If your experiencing the sides, then obviously its working - probably not in an optimal manner since the dose is so low.

How long have you been running the accutane?
If your experiencing the sides, then obviously its working - probably not in an optimal manner since the dose is so low.

How long have you been running the accutane?

Like 6 months, always used it preventive since I never got any really major acne just some pct pimples I was hoping to avoid next time. Hoping the b5 alone will suffice now. Every study I read says the dose I'm on isn't enough to achieve anything major but those don't involve steroids. Consider myself pretty lucky I can run Tren-a 700 a week without breaking out
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I did 8 months at 120mg/day of accutane. I had severe acne. Got rid of it and that was 10 years ago. I had very bad side effects though, I still have joint pain to this day.

If you have bad acne you probably would want to do 40-80mg/day for 6 months. Usually it doesn't come back if you run it like that. Chance of remission is like 8% for this.

The 10mg/day thing is not usually the best way to do it. When you get off it, the chance of it coming back is pretty high.. 40-50% at least, but it depends on everyone.
Like 6 months, always used it preventive since I never got any really major acne just some pct pimples I was hoping to avoid next time. Hoping the b5 alone will suffice now. Every study I read says the dose I'm on isn't enough to achieve anything major but those don't involve steroids. Consider myself pretty lucky I can run Tren-a 700 a week without breaking out

Stop taking the accutane.

Accutane is complete overkill for "some pct pimples" & using it for 6 months without any liver blood work is also very irresponsible.

You do not need accutane for a few pimples, the zinc should be more than enough.
if you don't have chronic acne, it's not worth taking accutane. it can be harmful to your liver. if getting a few pimples is your only problem then you're doing ok. i get cystic acne on my back during and after every cycle even with estradiol in check and i've never touched accutane. get some acne bodywash, and supplement with zinc. accutane is not for preventative purposes, it's for last resort emergencies when nothing else works and your acne is debilitating.

if you decide not to take our advice and continue running accutane, at least get blood work once and a while to make sure your liver is healthy.
Your not taking it correctly. It takes up to 6 months to get your goal dosage (everyday). Acne will return if you don't hit your goal dosage. I take 40mg of absorica a day. This medication should be takin everyday. If you skip more than a few days, it's like starting all over again. You really should be under the supervision of a doc. This stuff can kill you dead.