question on arimidex dosage for kick start


New member
I plan on doing a 16 week cycle with 500mg/test and kick starting it with 4 weeks of dbol @ 40mg/day. Now, i'm only assuming that my adex dosage should be higher the first 4 weeks since i'll be on test AND dbol. Would .5mg/eod seem like a good idea followed by .25/eod after the dbol? Thanks
Start at the .25. And only up to .5 if you need to. I knkw what you are thinking, you want to be proactive as opposed to reactivate. In this situation i think reactive is better, rather than having tanked e2 for no reason.
Start at the .25. And only up to .5 if you need to. I knkw what you are thinking, you want to be proactive as opposed to reactivate. In this situation i think reactive is better, rather than having tanked e2 for no reason.

ok thanks just to be clear, that's .25mg/every OTHER day right?
Why are you using rimi? Are you prone to gyno? If you're not I don't think it's absolutely necessary to use rimi unless otherwise you want to start dry
Why are you using rimi? Are you prone to gyno? If you're not I don't think it's absolutely necessary to use rimi unless otherwise you want to start dry

How would you keep estradiol in check without an AI? High estrogen has more negative side effects than just gyno.
What is your usual AI dose whe running Test? I started a thread a week or so ago about the same thing. Its what has me holding off on D-Bol and leaning towards T-bol.

Basicaly the advice I got was to keep your normal dosing. Keep an eye out for high E2 sides. The "bloat" from the D-bol is water retention due to its high aromatization. So if 2 weeks go by and you gain 15 lbs well up your dose a tad. That 15lb isn't muscle it water.
Why are you using rimi? Are you prone to gyno? If you're not I don't think it's absolutely necessary to use rimi unless otherwise you want to start dry

it's tru i am not sensitive to gyno, however i remember my very first cycle and after a couple weeks in i started having panic attacks, felt like my heart was going to stop and thought i was going to die lol. Turns out, high e2 can cause this. My second cycle i ran adex and didn't have those issues
You make a point, you run every cycle with rimi then ?

Yes,, run an AI , aromasin or arimidex on every cycle... Not doing so is like banging random chicks without a rubber,, and then trying to use a rubber to treat an std after the fact . . It don't work that way
Yes,, run an AI , aromasin or arimidex on every cycle... Not doing so is like banging random chicks without a rubber,, and then trying to use a rubber to treat an std after the fact . . It don't work that way
OMG, that is funny.but a truism. Ah hahaha :dance2:
Lol an stf scare didnt tell me to start wearing a rubber it just made me decide to sleep with less easy women... I lost my virginity at 16 to a girl i dated for six years and when we broke up at 21 i never wore a rubber before so i tried it once and it wasnt for me... Unprotected always
Cant u pick up aromasin an use it at the begining at high doses to keep ur e2down but without crashing ur e2 or is it a myth that aromasin cant crash e2?

Unrelated question, why does test prop cause less water retention?