Questions about gyno?????


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Hi everyone I have some gyno from my last cycle im taking liquidex will this make it go away. I was told if you have it it will never go away is this true.
Here is some research about it i got from medscape:

Pubertal Gynecomastia

Pubertal gynecomastia is generally a transient phenomenon and resolves spontaneously in more than 90% of cases within 3 years. Therefore, reassurance and observation is regarded as the best approach for this asymptomatic and self-limiting condition.[7] Unfortunately, pubertal gynecomastia may have a negative impact on self esteem in adolescent boys and can lead to decreased participation in social activities and depression. When there is significant tenderness or psychosocial morbidity, pharmacological agents can be tried. In a few published reports, the selective estrogen receptor antagonist tamoxifen has been shown to be safe and effective in reducing the size of glandular tissue in persistent pubertal gynecomastia. Lawrence et al. demonstrated a decrease in breast size in 20 out of 22 patients with use of tamoxifen, with 40% showing greater than 50% size reduction. In the same study, the selective estrogen receptor modulator raloxifene achieved an impressive 86% response rate of more than 50% reduction in breast size.[21] Similarly, Derman et al. showed reduction in pain and breast size in all of the 37 boys administered 20 mg per day of tamoxifen.[22] However, despite these positive encouraging results, the studies are difficult to interpret because of the small sample size and absence of a placebo-treated control arm. The experience with aromatase inhibitor anastrozole has been disappointing in persistent pubertal gynecomastia and is not recommended at present.[23] A recent study suggested that it is efficacious in gynecomastia of less than 1 year duration. Anastrazole at doses of 1 mg per day for 6 months reduced breast area by approximately 63% and breast volume by 57% in 42 boys of mean age 13 years with mean gynecomastia duration of 7 months. However, there was no control arm in this trial and pubertal gynecomastia is usually a transient event.[24] It is unclear as to why aromatase inhibitors have not been very successful in the management of gynecomastia. This could be due to the fact that excessive aromatization of androgens to estrogens is not the only cause of relative or absolute excess of estrogens levels in such patients. Very rarely, plastic surgery may be considered in those boys who fail medical therapy. It might be associated with complications such as scarring, skin retraction and hyperesthesia, and gynecomastia may recur postoperatively.[25]

Gynecomastia in Adults

In the majority of men with asymptomatic gynecomastia, treatment is generally not required. In those experiencing pain, tenderness or embarrassment, treatment of the underlying identifiable cause can enable partial or full recovery. Likewise, if the gynecomastia is found to be drug induced, improvement is usually apparent within a month of discontinuing the offending medication. However, if the gynecomastia is long-standing, that is, more than 1 year, it is unlikely to resolve completely either spontaneously or with medical treatment owing to the presence of dense fibrous tissue. In such cases, subcutaneous surgical mastectomy or liposuction may be considered. Subcutaneous mastectomy involves resection of glandular tissue using a periareolar or transareolar approach with or without liposuction. Liposuction alone may be sufficient in cases of pseudogynecomastia where breast enlargement is primarily due to excess subareolar fat tissue.[1,26]

Medical therapy is most useful during the painful phase of gynecomastia. Testosterone replacement can be used to improve gynecomastia secondary to hypogonadism. Topical preparations are preferable as they lead to more steady-state levels of testosterone in the body as compared with the injectable forms, which can worsen breast enlargement by aromatizing to estradiol. In recent years, anti-estrogens have been increasingly used empirically for symptomatic gynecomastia. Tamoxifen given orally at doses of 20 mg daily for up to 3 months has been shown to be effective in a number of randomized and nonrandomized trials demonstrating up to 80% partial improvement and 60% complete regression. Alagaratnam found 80% complete resolution of gynecomastia in Chinese men treated with tamoxifen for a median duration of 2 months.[27] Anastrozole has been shown to reverse testosterone-induced gynecomastia in two hypogonadal men.[28]

Havn't seen many people recomend using an AI here but the serm tomax. Ralox is the one that has the best results. That being said have you been diagnosed with gyno by a doctor?
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i recommend nolvadex for gyno post cycle. maybe even try some letro. with letro, your estrogen will basically be nonexistent so make sure to take the necessary precautions, such as joint support and viagra
No not by a doc. I have never had a problem with it before until now. There kinda pointed very sensitive and I have small lumps under the nip. It dnt take a doc to know whats going on. But if the issue doesn't go away after I try letrozole then I will be going to see a doctor.
No not by a doc. I have never had a problem with it before until now. There kinda pointed very sensitive and I have small lumps under the nip. It dnt take a doc to know whats going on. But if the issue doesn't go away after I try letrozole then I will be going to see a doctor.

Raloxifene will minimize it the best.
I can tell you from first hand experience.. letro will crash your e2 so go with ralox. It is far superior
Letro would probably work better in synergy with nolva/tomax (it targets the area around the breast) where letro will temporaraly bind to estrogen in general and you have a good chance of crashing yout e2 pretty strong.

That being said there are many protocols fir a dressing it and raloxifene is at the top of the list. That's what I've been taking.
Letro would probably work better in synergy with nolva/tomax (it targets the area around the breast) where letro will temporaraly bind to estrogen in general and you have a good chance of crashing yout e2 pretty strong.

That being said there are many protocols fir a dressing it and raloxifene is at the top of the list. That's what I've been taking.

Letro does not bind to estrogen.