Questions about RUI's oral solutions.


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Had a few questions regarding the oral administration of various products from RUI. I try not to over think this kind of thing, and I don't get worried about it normally, I just figured I'd ask.

1. From my understanding, using an oral syringe, the product will be drawn from the bottle, and released onto the tongue or back of the throat. So, with that being said, there will almost certainly be residual, should it be washed down, or let hang around?

2. Is there any rule of thumb using any of the products on an empty stomach? And if so, will eating soon after ingestion cause a delayed effect, or even diminish the products effectiveness altogether?

That's all, I've had these thoughts in the back of my head for a little while and just wanted to clear them up for me and anyone else interested.

1. Think of it like taking cough medicine. It's just a squirt down the hatch, and saliva/juice/water/etc takes care of the rest. Some products taste worse than others, but it's over relatively quickly.

2. I have yet to notice any difference personally, but I'm sure some products may be slightly delayed or reduced in efficacy if taken with food. I've used every AI, cialis, clenbuterol, albuterol, T3, and many others I can't think of at the moment.

You'll be fine, just make sure to shake the bottles first. ;)

My .02c :)
I have no issue with the taste. Just tastes like very strong medicine.. Got used to that with the Clomid. The ADex has very little taste compared to that!

Thanks man, I appreciate the reply.