Questions about slow releasing Protien


New member
Ok apart from the obvious caesin protien powder, cottage cheese and steak. Is there any other sources of slow releasing protien i could use as a last meal of the day??

Im currently switching from day to day between a shake and cottage cheese, but if im been honest trying to eat 250grams of cottage cheese right before bed isnt going down too well, the shakes go down great, but id rather eat food for my last meal.

any help would be appriciated.
i love steak and i had a steak last night just before bed. i could easily eat 150-200 grams of steak before bed every night, but its the saturated fats whats init what scares me, i dont want to put too much bad weight on.
You guys don't like cottage cheese!? What's wrong with you people :p

Try Greek yougurt. 20g protein for like 1/2 a cup or something like that. And it's a casein protein source. I usually mix mine with some berries when bulking right before bed. Good stuff.... But cottage cheese is better :)
so dairy is a good choice... greek yogurt was mentioned.. if you find the right one then the fats and calories are very low and you can do it...

also you can look into more game meat... bison works.. deer... etc..

you can also have a faster digesting meat and supplement it with a casein shake..

e.g. 4oz chicken breast plus 20g casein.. that works..
so dairy is a good choice... greek yogurt was mentioned.. if you find the right one then the fats and calories are very low and you can do it...

also you can look into more game meat... bison works.. deer... etc..

you can also have a faster digesting meat and supplement it with a casein shake..

e.g. 4oz chicken breast plus 20g casein.. that works..

Thanks 3j

i like the sound of the last option, 4oz chicken and 20g casein shake and next time im doing the shopping ill check out some yoghurt too.

your help is appriciated as always!
You guys don't like cottage cheese!? What's wrong with you people :p

Try Greek yougurt. 20g protein for like 1/2 a cup or something like that. And it's a casein protein source. I usually mix mine with some berries when bulking right before bed. Good stuff.... But cottage cheese is better :)

Thanks for the insight about the greek yoghurt pal, ill be getting some soon.

I like cottage cheese, but i get to about 125grams of the 250+ i need right before bed and im having to force it down, id rather eat something i enjoyed, or i could maybe mix chicken with cottage cheese, i never relised you could do that mix a fast with a slow and get full benefit. thanks again for that info 3j!