questions on morning protein shakes and bedtime protein shakes...

Future Prodigy

New member
I understand that you need alot of carbs and some protein when first waking up to break your fast from the 8 hours sleep you just had but what is good for protein besides eggs and other things at breakfast?

Im going to start having about 2 eggs and some oatmeal as a meal but want to add in a protein shake for the other protein. I have been taking whye protein and i know that it is bad before bedtime as it is absorbed quickly, is whey and some natty pb a good choice for the morning wake up meal to get you back into an anabolic state?

Lastly, there has been alot of threads regarding night time protein. I understand peanut butter and cottage cheese are good chocies before going to bed. Ive found some interesting recipes for cottage cheese protein shakes. My questions here are what is the most carbs you want to ingest before going to bed (as alot of these shakes have quite a bit of carbs due to the yogurt and honey they require)?
Morning Protein: You can eat anything you want for a protein source if you can handle it in the morning...protein shake, chicken, steak, fish, it doesnt matter. If your traying to gain weight, or your workout is sometime close to this meal, then yea you definatly want a lot of carbs in this meal.

Nighttime Protein: Slow digesting protein like cottage cheese or a protein blend of whey/egg/casein/soy is a great choice. Although you can slow the digesting of regular whey by adding things like cottage cheese, peanut butter, etc. Unless your workout is 2-3 hours before you go to bed, then you want carbs to be limited to fibrous veggies only. For example if you workout at 8pm, and go to sleep at 11pm, you can have a high carb PWO shake after your workout at 9, then have another high carb meal (sweet potato, oatmeal, brown rice, etc) at 11 before you go to sleep because your body will be using it for repair, it wont get stored as fat (unless you eat more than necesary, which is something youd have to play around with and find out).