Quick Fat Loss w/ Diet, Exercise & ............???


New member
Hey Everyone,

So i'm going to the Bahamas in Nov and I want to lose as much fat as possible. Besides the norm of working out and eating right, I was looking for some sort of supplement that would help my process. I have been reading up on Clen and T3 as well as some others and I'm really just looking for one that actually works and is not going to cause major health issues. A little about me, I used to play college basketball about 4 years ago, I'm 5'5 right now I weight about 215. When I was in my best shape I weighted 170 and had about 20% BF. I have always weighed more then I should based off of the height and body weight ratio but I have always had more muscle then fat. Any help would be great.

Nothing works better than diet and cardio.I would suggest calorie intake at your tdee rate and go from their,monitor your weight closely and try not to lose more than 2 pounds a week adjust your carb intake up or down as needed keeping your protein and fat intake the same this way you don't lose muscle only fat. Cardio 5 times a week and workout at least three and watch the magic happen.