quick question about after helladrol.


New member
I'm on my second run of helladrol right now with 2 weeks left and i was wondering if i should wait 10 weeks after finishing my pct before starting a cycle of injectables?
I'm on my second run of helladrol right now with 2 weeks left and i was wondering if i should wait 10 weeks after finishing my pct before starting a cycle of injectables?

time on should at least equal time off
i doubt ill ever take it again. really didn't do anything to me. i could argue strength gains but that may just be placebo. diet was 50/50 though.
you need to take adequate time off before starting the injectables bro. Also if your diet was shite on a PH and you gained little, then you also gain very little on an injectable cycle, albeit more, but still sub par results. Get that diet and training in check or you will be disappointed again!!
i doubt ill ever take it again. really didn't do anything to me. i could argue strength gains but that may just be placebo. diet was 50/50 though.

What dosage did you run?

Hella sometimes gets an unfair bad rep opposed to Beast and Halo because it produces slow steady gains rather than fast gains like the others. Hella is amazing. It starts kicking in slower than the other guys but once it starts kicking in it's hands down my favorite MrSupps PH.

When fed correctly, in my opinion, hella can't be beat.