Quick Question About Metamucil???


New member
I have the sugar-free Metamucil.
Total Carb: 5g
Dierary Fiber : 3g
Souble Fiber: 2g
Sugars : 0g
I know you subtract the dietary fiber from total carbs; but Do you also subtract the Souble Fiber from the Total Carbs???
So each serving would either be counted as ( 2 carbs ) or at
( 0 carbs )????? THANKS!!!
Anyone have any idea????? I just need to know do you subtract the Souble Fiber also from the the Total Fiber; or just subtract the Dietary Fiber???? Thanks!!!
budrau said:
I have the sugar-free Metamucil.
Total Carb: 5g
Dierary Fiber : 3g
Souble Fiber: 2g
Sugars : 0g
I know you subtract the dietary fiber from total carbs; but Do you also subtract the Souble Fiber from the Total Carbs???
So each serving would either be counted as ( 2 carbs ) or at
( 0 carbs )????? THANKS!!!

Dietary Fiber consists of both Soluble and Unsoluble types of Fiber. What that means then is that there are 5 grams of carbs. 3 of those grams are dietary fiber and therefore shouldn't be counted toward your daily carb (as in, for energy) intake. Of the 3 grams of dietary fiber, 2 grams are soluble and 1 gram is unsoluble. No sugars, so the other remaining carbs are complex-carbs. So, you would count 2 grams of carbs towards energy/ketogenic purposes and the other 3 grams will pass right through you without being used for energy/ketosis prevention. 2 grams net carbs.