Hi my name is Tyler I'm new here. I'm having a bit of an issue and I would be very grateful for any advice anyone would be willing to offer me. I'm a 23 y/o male, 5'11, and about 200 pounds. I have been working out since I was 16, recently a co worker of mine turned me onto Sarms so I decided to give it a try. I have no prior experience with any performance enhancing drugs at all. So I went ahead and ordered a cycle of Rad 140 from sarmssearch. I have only been on it for about 3 days now. My dosing was Day one- 5mg, Day two- 5mg, Day three- 10mg which I plan to continue at for the remainder of the month cycle. I was told that a PCT wasn't really required and that HCgenerate would suffice. So my plan was to take that once I finished the cycle. The problem is that I seem to be experiencing some erection/libido issues at the moment. So I decided to take the HCgenerate earlier today to try and help it. Should I be worried about this? I have high hopes to finish the cycle, but I must admit this problem is concerning me a bit. Thanks.
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