Rad 140 sarms advice needed.


New member
Hi my name is Tyler I'm new here. I'm having a bit of an issue and I would be very grateful for any advice anyone would be willing to offer me. I'm a 23 y/o male, 5'11, and about 200 pounds. I have been working out since I was 16, recently a co worker of mine turned me onto Sarms so I decided to give it a try. I have no prior experience with any performance enhancing drugs at all. So I went ahead and ordered a cycle of Rad 140 from sarmssearch. I have only been on it for about 3 days now. My dosing was Day one- 5mg, Day two- 5mg, Day three- 10mg which I plan to continue at for the remainder of the month cycle. I was told that a PCT wasn't really required and that HCgenerate would suffice. So my plan was to take that once I finished the cycle. The problem is that I seem to be experiencing some erection/libido issues at the moment. So I decided to take the HCgenerate earlier today to try and help it. Should I be worried about this? I have high hopes to finish the cycle, but I must admit this problem is concerning me a bit. Thanks.
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As you read, 10mg is reported as the sweet spot. Be patient- it's an amazing compound, but it isn't black magic! lol

Make sure your diet and gym regimen are both on point and you'll enjoy this.
Oh, and I just saw your libido comment. Taking the testosterone booster should aid you in that department. Just give these things time to do their job.

I'm assuming no libido issues were happening before starting this cycle?
Oh, and I just saw your libido comment. Taking the testosterone booster should aid you in that department. Just give these things time to do their job.

I'm assuming no libido issues were happening before starting this cycle?

No libido issues prior to starting the cycle. This is my fourth day on the HCgenerate. I'm hoping it will start to take effect and help with the issue soon.
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Hi my name is Tyler I'm new here. I'm having a bit of an issue and I would be very grateful for any advice anyone would be willing to offer me. I'm a 23 y/o male, 5'11, and about 200 pounds. I have been working out since I was 16, recently a co worker of mine turned me onto Sarms so I decided to give it a try. I have no prior experience with any performance enhancing drugs at all. So I went ahead and ordered a cycle of Rad 140 from sarmssearch. I have only been on it for about 3 days now. My dosing was Day one- 5mg, Day two- 5mg, Day three- 10mg which I plan to continue at for the remainder of the month cycle. I was told that a PCT wasn't really required and that HCgenerate would suffice. So my plan was to take that once I finished the cycle. The problem is that I seem to be experiencing some erection/libido issues at the moment. So I decided to take the HCgenerate earlier today to try and help it. Should I be worried about this? I have high hopes to finish the cycle, but I must admit this problem is concerning me a bit. Thanks.

I would rec a PCT of clomid or tamox. it might be lighter on shut down but i would rec a standard PCT IMO.
also i would rec waiting till age 25 to mess with anything hormonal ( or hormone like) but atleast your not 17.
personally i would still be on test or hrt dose of it if going on sarm, BUT it is atleast not as bad as an oral only cycle of reg oral AAS.

good luck!

ps, when shut down or getting shut down on your own production of testosterone (that happens when you use these sorts of things and are not taking testosterone also) libido, mood and erection problems are common .
Thanks for all the replies. I have about a week or so left of the Rad 140, but I just received the Clomid I had ordered today. Would it be wise to start taking it now? If so what dose would you recommend, and should I change the dosing once I'm off the Sarms?
I agree with juiced - do a full PCT just in case. I always forget about PCT since I am on TRT and never do it...but it is VITAL for everyone who is not on TRT.