Raised prolactin levels question

Is your dick not standing at full attention when saluted ?? That soldier will let you know when prolactin levels are up..
Umm, yeah the whole lactating nipples thing too

If prolactin levels are up,, just crush them completely with prami,, prolactin is not needed in the male body like estrogen
Ok. Penis seems fine I though my left nipple was leaking a bit which is weird and my e2 is within range.(I use adex as AI) so I naturally assume prolactin is what the next cause would be. I have prami on hand just didn't want use it if I didn't need to.
I recommend getting blood work run to see where your E2 and prolactin are at.

Are you running a cycle? If so, what is it?
900 mg test e/week 500mg mast e/ week. Also kick start with anadrol 100mg a day. I'm using arimidex .25 mg Ed as this is usually exactly where I need to be in terms of controlling e2. Then hcg 250 iu 2x/week. Then NAC for the liver of course. I get bloods done at 4 weeks once everything is kicked in. I have about 10 days before I order the blood work.
IIRC Test can actually raise prolactin itself, there is a lot of mis-information about prolactin, I could go into it more but.

Get bloods, find out what it is that is way out of range, I'd say e2 is a little bit jacked at that dose. You could run a higher dose of AI, Prami and SERM to be super careful, but no point running all three if you can try and pinpoint the problem.

Anadrol also causes progesterone gyno. Have you dropped it? It is DHT-based and hence doesn't covnert to e2 however it has been shown agonise the progesterone receptor.
Anadrol doesnt raise e2??? I think that just made me completely misinformed on anadrol, i thought it was a big time water weight gainer?
Anadrol doesnt raise e2??? I think that just made me completely misinformed on anadrol, i thought it was a big time water weight gainer?

Nope. Anadrol itself will not raise estrogen via converting to estrogen. It is itself either a progesterone or estrogen receptor agonist (quite sure its progesterone) hence why an AI isn't going to do much for Anadrol bloat. It definitely is a big-tiem weight gainer and will fill you out but it isn't via raising estrogen levels unlike dbol which works via a combo of dbol itself but relies on it converting to methylestrogen and methyl-1-test AKA M1T for it's effects.
What should one expect (results in terms of muscle fat and water) watch out for.and combat while takin anadrol?
The one time I used anadrol. 50mg/day, I gained a lot of water weight, and my blood pressure went way up. Had to stop using it. I was sweating and red faced just sitting down watching tv.
Expect a BP jump for sure, vascularity, fullness/intracelluar bloat (I find I look real super full on Anadrol come the 3rd day at 50mg), good strength gains, increased aggression without euphoria (much like Tren without paranoia)... Increased agression with euphoria is something to look for with dbol, test and masteron if you want an example of what I am talking about. Trashed lipids, potential gyno.

Great steroid, only if you can tolerate it though, I think the best way to control Anadrol bloat is with a SERM rather than an AI as it itself is not increasing e2 and an AI won't do much, rather a SERM will stop it from binding to receptors. Something like Toremifene or Tamoxifen would be best in this case and is the only steroid I would say it's sides should be controlled with a SERM over an AI for that reason alone. I can't comment on that from experience as I just merely dropped the Anadrol myself, but if I ever give it a run again I will run it with Toremifene and chuck up the results.
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