Rapid water retention???

My friend just started Test E 300mg's/wk. Took his second shot 2 days ago and he's retaining water already. Is this normal?
He's not taking anything else, he's not doing anything right to tell you the truth. He's a real small guy and always been lean as hell. Now 1 week in he's lookin a little pudgy.
normal... I put a cpl lbs of water on in the first couple days
300mg of test E a week and he's only taken two shots?

Im a sust guy, but that still sounds too fast for test e to have that kind of effect.

Besides the gear, what else is he ingesting?
yeah seems kind of quick im thinking other things have changed such as diet a week is awfully fast for water retention or at least for me but not all are the same in body response
Ok a little ester education 101 for yas... First, the hormone starts working within 11-36 hours. If you took a shot of prop and a shot of enanthate, they both would start working at the same time. Just because they build up in the body differently and at different times, doesnt mean they start working at different times..