Raz's cycle

Woke up this morning left cheek was fine (deca), right cheek is a little tender (test), nothing too bad. Was a little drained today, im sure it was the 8 hour class i had though, heading to the gym now, gonna hit back! favorite day!
(skipping dead lift or going very light cause im going to have to demonstrate lifts in front a personal trainer, trainer this whole week, and last week my back was really sore for 4 days.)
Had a crazy back day today, sure it was all mental, and had to do with me being back at my gym.

Bent over bb row over hand grip 135x10 (WU) 155x10 185x8 185x6
Bent over bb row under hand grip 185x10 185x10 205x7 205x6
Bent over db row 75x10 75x8 85x5 85x5
Lat pull down over hand grip 120x10 140x8 160x6 180x5
Lat pull down single arm under hand grip 70 each side x10 2plates each side x8 2plates each side x8 back to 70 for 10
bent over reverse flys 25x10 (3times) 30x8

I know i hit alot but it was pretty much just changing grips. had an awesome pump whole way though.
sorry didnt post up my chest day yesterday

flat db bench 60x12 (WU) 75x10 85x5 85x5
incline db bench 60x10 60x10 60x10
incline flys 35x10 35x10 35x10
incline bench hip press 35x8 35x8
cable flys 60x8 60x8 60x8
cable flys from bottom 40x8 40x8 40x8

was going to hit legs today, but i had to do a 45 minute kettle bell work out for my job and then a 40 minute work out with a polar heart rate monitor and make sure i kept my heart rate in phase 3 for 15 mins phase 2 for 15 minutes and phase 1 for 10 minutes, i had to start over twice because i didnt have my max heart rate set high enough. had to set it to 230 so i could get down to phase 1. burned way to many cals...pretty pissed about it actually.

second pins tomorrow!
damn, had to do some crazy hour of anaerobic exercises, which my hr averaging 183....thats kinda scaring me, dont really want to be maintaining that high of a heart rate that long. So had to skip my day again today, def hitting it hard tomorrow!

wish i would have known i had to do all this high intensity low weight training. def not my cup of coffee. The whole thing is though we have to learn how to control our heart rates so we can know how to control our clients heart rates, using those polar hr monitors.
Sorry haven't been updating, ill update my shoulders day cause i dont remember how much i did on the select weight cables for arms

Sititing DB press 60x10 60x10 75x7 75x5 60x8
Arnolds 35x10 40x8 40x8 40x8
Front Delts 40x10 40x10 40x8 40x8
Side Delts standing machine 70x6 70x6 70x6
Shrugs (slow with 2 second hold) 135x10 225x10 225x10 225x8 (burned out with 90 db)

Just started my 2nd week today, shirts are already fitting really tight. Went out last night (didnt drink) and my dress shirt was ridiculously tight, did a lot of stretching in it to make sure it fit better haha, thank God it didnt rip.
took my exemestane for the first time today at 12.5mg felt a little out of it this morning not sure if it was from that or the benadryl i took the night before. pins from last night felt fine today. definitely noticing gains in weight. So i should prob take pics soon, dont have very good lighting in my house and i hate straight on pics.

Hit back today

DL Bent leg 225x10 225x10 275x10 295x6
Lat Pull Down Overhand 120x10 140x10 160x8 180x6
Lat Pull Down Neutral Grip 180x8 180x8 180x6
Lat Pull Down Underhand grip machine 80lbs each side for 3 sets 10 reps each
Seated Row (wasnt getting good pump from bent over) 150x10 170x10 190x8 210x6
Bent Over reverse flys 25x10 25x10
Obliques with 45 plate 15 each side switching with out rest 15 reps for 3 sets

Over all decent day, was a little low on energy, think im going to lower my aromasin tomorrow and see how i feel
^^Yea I noticed a little tiredness from that stuff as well, drop it down to 6.25mg a day, thats what Im at, and I'm feeling better!!! FYI thats 2.5 on your oral syringe!!

Nice work bro!!! Keep errrr up!!!
^^Yea I noticed a little tiredness from that stuff as well, drop it down to 6.25mg a day, thats what Im at, and I'm feeling better!!! FYI thats 2.5 on your oral syringe!!

Nice work bro!!! Keep errrr up!!!

Went down to 3, tried 4 today. so far so good.

sorry dont have numbers for my last few lifts, prob too late for a before pic...ive put on some decent size already, mini beastin it already. was just messin around with another trainer while racking weights and curled 135lbs on barbell twice, so i know my strengths up pretty good already (not that i haven't noticed it during my lifts, thats just a good example)

getting really oily, body temp is up, no more thick blanket and fans on high haha. back acne isn't TOO bad, just got a little between my shoulder blades right in the middle of my back. bloating isn't TOO bad, prob dude to the aromasin. so far the cycles is pretty good, tomorrow is end of 2nd week, looking forward to this next one to start putting up some beast numbers!