I ran a cycle about 3 years ago and loved it. Now its time to ease back into things and make some progressive gains that last.
Currently 26yrs 5'7" 175lbs 12%
Ill start with my history.
My first cycle was Test 400 at i believe 500mg per week shot twice a week for 10 to 12 weeks.(I can't remember exactly how long I went)
Damn it was good. Strength was up, gains were up, and damn were the injection sites sore the next day haha. I knew what I was getting into with the 400 so i expected some soreness and it really wasn't that bad.
The only sides I experienced that I can remember was acne on my face once I started my PCT which consisted of HCG and clomid.
Two years ago I ran an anavar only cycle for 6 weeks at 50mg ED (I believe i had started at 40 and worked up to 60 if i remember correctly)
My results were exactly what I was looking for; I gained LBM and lost weight at the same time, strength went up and I kept all my gains after my pct was over which consisted of only clomid.
This time around Im going to be doing a mild cycle of both test and anavar to get myself back to a size I can confidently tell people it was nothing more than a (very) successful lean bulk which will allow me to do larger cycles in years to come with no questions asked.
Ive already started anavar at 40mg ED at only 3 days in with the original intention of doing another oral only cycle but decided to add a TRT dose of test to keep my testosterone up and slightly add to my gains.
I could easily just up my anavar dose and use it as an intro to a regular test e cycle but I am an active member of my gym and my main concern is not blowing up on this first cycle so my plan is as followed:
Anavar @40mg ED, week 1-3
Test prop @250mg per week, week 2-8 (possibly weeks 3-9 depending on how fast i decide to follow through)
Anavar @50mg ED, week 4-6
clomid day1(300)/day 2-11(100)/day 12-21(50)
With arimidex on hand during entire cycle.
My plan is to have anavar as the main contributor and then continue the test prop for a while longer to simplify when i start my pct
I feel as if this seems over complicated for a cycle that you could basically call a "first" cycle but I know my body reacts well to anavar and I had minimal sides running test alone so I want this to be a precursor to following cycles to come.
Let me hear your feedback as I have been researching for a while and know the basics but now its time to start talking to people with more experience than me.
Currently 26yrs 5'7" 175lbs 12%
Ill start with my history.
My first cycle was Test 400 at i believe 500mg per week shot twice a week for 10 to 12 weeks.(I can't remember exactly how long I went)
Damn it was good. Strength was up, gains were up, and damn were the injection sites sore the next day haha. I knew what I was getting into with the 400 so i expected some soreness and it really wasn't that bad.
The only sides I experienced that I can remember was acne on my face once I started my PCT which consisted of HCG and clomid.
Two years ago I ran an anavar only cycle for 6 weeks at 50mg ED (I believe i had started at 40 and worked up to 60 if i remember correctly)
My results were exactly what I was looking for; I gained LBM and lost weight at the same time, strength went up and I kept all my gains after my pct was over which consisted of only clomid.
This time around Im going to be doing a mild cycle of both test and anavar to get myself back to a size I can confidently tell people it was nothing more than a (very) successful lean bulk which will allow me to do larger cycles in years to come with no questions asked.
Ive already started anavar at 40mg ED at only 3 days in with the original intention of doing another oral only cycle but decided to add a TRT dose of test to keep my testosterone up and slightly add to my gains.
I could easily just up my anavar dose and use it as an intro to a regular test e cycle but I am an active member of my gym and my main concern is not blowing up on this first cycle so my plan is as followed:
Anavar @40mg ED, week 1-3
Test prop @250mg per week, week 2-8 (possibly weeks 3-9 depending on how fast i decide to follow through)
Anavar @50mg ED, week 4-6
clomid day1(300)/day 2-11(100)/day 12-21(50)
With arimidex on hand during entire cycle.
My plan is to have anavar as the main contributor and then continue the test prop for a while longer to simplify when i start my pct
I feel as if this seems over complicated for a cycle that you could basically call a "first" cycle but I know my body reacts well to anavar and I had minimal sides running test alone so I want this to be a precursor to following cycles to come.
Let me hear your feedback as I have been researching for a while and know the basics but now its time to start talking to people with more experience than me.