Re-testing waters to prepare for bigger cycle


New member
I ran a cycle about 3 years ago and loved it. Now its time to ease back into things and make some progressive gains that last.

Currently 26yrs 5'7" 175lbs 12%

Ill start with my history.

My first cycle was Test 400 at i believe 500mg per week shot twice a week for 10 to 12 weeks.(I can't remember exactly how long I went)
Damn it was good. Strength was up, gains were up, and damn were the injection sites sore the next day haha. I knew what I was getting into with the 400 so i expected some soreness and it really wasn't that bad.

The only sides I experienced that I can remember was acne on my face once I started my PCT which consisted of HCG and clomid.
Two years ago I ran an anavar only cycle for 6 weeks at 50mg ED (I believe i had started at 40 and worked up to 60 if i remember correctly)
My results were exactly what I was looking for; I gained LBM and lost weight at the same time, strength went up and I kept all my gains after my pct was over which consisted of only clomid.

This time around Im going to be doing a mild cycle of both test and anavar to get myself back to a size I can confidently tell people it was nothing more than a (very) successful lean bulk which will allow me to do larger cycles in years to come with no questions asked.

Ive already started anavar at 40mg ED at only 3 days in with the original intention of doing another oral only cycle but decided to add a TRT dose of test to keep my testosterone up and slightly add to my gains.

I could easily just up my anavar dose and use it as an intro to a regular test e cycle but I am an active member of my gym and my main concern is not blowing up on this first cycle so my plan is as followed:

Anavar @40mg ED, week 1-3
Test prop @250mg per week, week 2-8 (possibly weeks 3-9 depending on how fast i decide to follow through)
Anavar @50mg ED, week 4-6

clomid day1(300)/day 2-11(100)/day 12-21(50)
With arimidex on hand during entire cycle.

My plan is to have anavar as the main contributor and then continue the test prop for a while longer to simplify when i start my pct

I feel as if this seems over complicated for a cycle that you could basically call a "first" cycle but I know my body reacts well to anavar and I had minimal sides running test alone so I want this to be a precursor to following cycles to come.

Let me hear your feedback as I have been researching for a while and know the basics but now its time to start talking to people with more experience than me.
After re reading this I went back and looked at some old photos of my first cycle and I looked great but nothing crazy. I was trying to create a cycle that would resemble a natural bulk when at the end of the day that is not why I'm here.
I have a good understanding of proper AAS cycles but I feel like I'm just trying to reinvent the wheel...
As of now Im going to run anavar at 40mg ED until my test E arrives which should be mid next week. after that Ill front load my var at 60mg ED for two weeks while i run test e @400mg per week for a total of 10 weeks. 6 weeks leading up to my pct ill start running var again at 40mg ED and then follow into pct.
The same week i stop front loading var Ill start running arimidex @.25 EOD.

Once I have all my gear Ill be starting a log so I can track how all this goes! :bigok:
I've tried starting a log but it never uploaded so I guess I'll pick this one up where I left off.

let me start with what I've learned.
I was under the impression that all AAS were the same whether it was test or anavar but they are different. you can't run steroids without test...
this is an eye opener as I thought I knew a fair amount from research.

this brings me to dumping my original plans (basically disregard all posts above lol)

right now I'm running test e at 400mg per week. I know 500 is average but that's ok I'll probably up the dosage later on.

today is the start of week 3. pins are going good. pinning delts Monday evening and glutes on Friday morning.
My delts have slight PIP the next day but nothing bad. glutes aren't going as well but still* not an issue. I don't think I'm flexible enough to twist enough to hit the right spot at the right angle. pinned the glutes twice so far and both times I have a lump for a whole week. not hot or red by any means just uncomfortable so I'm sure it's just my muscles getting used to it so well see how it goes on Friday when I pin the same spot on my glute as my very first pin.

workouts are going great, noticing some strength increases on almost everything but nothing major.

plan to do updates whenever I can. cardio session is about to end so I'll add more tomorrow. I'm hoping to keep this log going for the duration of my cycle.
