RE: Urine smelling

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RE: Urine smelling

According to Charles Poliquin (trainer of David boston, mma fighter davis louasaiu(SP, the french canadian dude) if your urine smells after eating asparagus it is because you are deficient in vitamins b12 and b9
well i take 500 to 1000mgs b12 every day so my piss should be ok, nice

but my farts stink dont no why.
skarhead1 said:
According to Charles Poliquin (trainer of David boston, mma fighter davis louasaiu(SP, the french canadian dude) if your urine smells after eating asparagus it is because you are deficient in vitamins b12 and b9
lol that's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard lol
Ok well Charles poliquin is one of the most respected strength coaches in countries(plural, as in more than one), he's been a coach for 30 years now. Basically hes been doing this since you were in diapers and youre some leg shavin homo erotic body builder. If youre so smart than debunk it and state legitament reasons why, instead of slandering one of the greatest minds in this game.
skarhead1 said:
Ok well Charles poliquin is one of the most respected strength coaches in countries(plural, as in more than one), he's been a coach for 30 years now. Basically hes been doing this since you were in diapers and youre some leg shavin homo erotic body builder. If youre so smart than debunk it and state legitament reasons why, instead of slandering one of the greatest minds in this game.

Wow..LOL. leg shavin homo erotic... too damn funny!! Back to the subject, man, I've never heard that theory. I will say that Coach Pliquin is highly respected and knowlegable so it would actually be interesting to know how he came to that conclusion. I'm not doubting either way BUT I'm always up for a challenge so let's debunk.. I have no clue how he came to that conclusion so I cant really debunk his work but while I was in school we learned that it was more basic physiology. Asparagus has loads of mercaptan. Once high levels of mercaptan reaches our digestive tract, special digestive enzymes kick in to breakdown the mercaptan. The result = by-products (with strong odors) that get eliminated in the urine. Now here's the interesting (and subjective) thing I learen... the special ezyme that breaks it down into odorized byproduct, is a result of your genetics. Only certain people carry the gene for the enzyme that breaks down merpatan. This is why some people can eat asapragus and never get that stink urine. Just a thought, but maybe the enzyme is more prevelant in people with B-vit defiancy?? Hmmmm...
JayC said:
Just a thought, but maybe the enzyme is more prevelant in people with B-vit defiancy?? Hmmmm...

This is my thought. Poliquin does metabolic tests on every client he trains, so he must've came to the conclusion that way. Im no anatomy and phisiology expert though.
heres a follow up to what poliquin said

If your urine reeks after eating asparagus, congratulations! You officially have a genetic defect and can't methylate asparagine properly. Apparently, prevalence of this defect is on the rise in the US and is a red flag for Parkinson's disease, Alzheimers, and prostate cancer amongst others. Try jacking up your methyl donors such as folic acid and B12 to turn off that gene.
Its genetic bro, there is nothing you can do about it. Its like ear wax. Some of us have sticky ear wax and some don;t
heres a follow up to what poliquin said

If your urine reeks after eating asparagus, congratulations! You officially have a genetic defect and can't methylate asparagine properly. Apparently, prevalence of this defect is on the rise in the US and is a red flag for Parkinson's disease, Alzheimers, and prostate cancer amongst others. Try jacking up your methyl donors such as folic acid and B12 to turn off that gene.

Doesn't this happen to like 90% of the population or something like Cause I"ve never met anyone whose piss DOESN'T smell, after eating asparagus. Are they all gonna get fcukked with Parkinson's disease, Alzheimers, and prostate cancer?
mine actually doesnt stink after eating asparagus. I must be a superior being.