REAL TALK on half-lives and Ester weights


I've been read'n alot of threads that make me think that perhaps the functional, practical use of compound half-life may be misunderstood or just completely omitted. I also don't see many post'n bout orals and AI's half-life and their most effective uses. Also I've seen many plan'n cycles based on active -life instead of half-life which is basically a crap shoot when it comes to get'n max gains and keep'n them.

An important consideration when plann'n a cycle at least to me, in particular the timing of dose'n to be administered, is the active half-life of the drug being employed. We can play the (t) game.The half-life may be defined as the time (t) the level is half of the start'n level of a given compound; at time 2t, the level is a quarter of the startn level, and at time 3t, the level is an eighth of the start'n level, and so on.

This information is vital in the time'n of the dose'n when attempt'n to achieve a more stable blood concentration, which leads to greater overall results and maintenance of gains. Some fluctuations of concentration levels are acceptable, and are also mostly unavoidable, but should be kept to a minimum.

This covers the half-life's of the most commonly used steroids, esters and ancillary compounds.

Oral steroids

Drug Active half-life
Anadrol / Anapolan50 (oxymetholone) 8 to 9 hours
Anavar (oxandrolone) 9 hours
Dianabol (methandrostenolone, methandienone) 4.5 to 6 hours ( this is why Dbol is wasted unless it is dosed at least twice daily)
Methyltestosterone 4 days
Winstrol (stanozolol)
(tablets or depot taken orally) 9 hours

Steroid esters

The half-life applies to the ester regardless of hormone attached, for example trenbolone enanthate and primobolan (methenolone enanthate) will act very similarly to testosterone enanthate in terms of release rate.

Drug Active half-life
Suspension within 1 hour
Acetate 1 day
Propionate 1 day
Phenylpropionate 1-2 days
Butyrate 2-3 days
Valerate 3 days
Hexanoate 3 days
Caproate 4-5 days
Isocaproate 4-5 days
Heptanoate 5-6 days
Enanthate 5-6 days
Octanoate 6-7 days
Cypionate 6-7 days
Nonanoate 7 days
Decanoate 7-8 days
Undeclenate 8-9 days
Undecanoate Approx 20 days but math says 19.3 to be exact and yes I am a geek. lol


Drug Active half-life
Arimidex 3 days
Clenbuterol 1.5 days
Clomid 5 days
Cytadren 6 hours
Ephedrine 6 hours
T3 10 hours

A practical example is if one was to inject 100mg of testosterone propionate and allow blood levels to peak. In approx 36 hours time (half-life duration from the above tables) and provide'n no other injections had taken place, the level would be reduced to 50mg. Again, a further approx 36 hours down the line and levels would have dropped to 25mg, and the value keeps halve'n every approx 36 hours.

Take it for what it's worth. You may find it useful I hope. But what the hell would I know lol

Milligrams below are the estimated amount of active hormone per 100mg of hormone and ester.

Boldenone base: 100mg
Boldenone acetate: 83mg
Boldenone Propionate: 80mg
Boldenone Cypionate: 69mg
Boldenone Undecylenate: 61mg

Clostebol Base: 100mg
Clostebol Acetate: 84mg
Clostebol Enanthate: 72mg

Drostanolone Base: 100mg
Drostanolone Propionate: 80mg
Drostanolone Enanthate: 71mg

Methenolone Base: 100mg
Methenolone Acetate: 82mg
Methenolone Enanthate: 71mg

Nandrolone Base: 100mg
Nandrolone Cypionate: 69mg
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate: 63mg
Nandrolone Decanoate: 62mg
Nandrolone Undecylenate: 60mg
Nandrolone Laurate: 56mg

Stenbolone Base: 100mg
Stenbolone Acetate: 84mg

Testosterone Base: 100mg
Testosterone Acetate: 83mg
Testosterone Propionate: 80mg
Testosterone Isocaproate: 72mg
Testosterone Enanthate: 70mg
Testosterone Cypionate: 69mg
Testosterone Phenylpropionate: 76mg
Testosterone Decanoate: 62mg
Testosterone Undecanoate: 61mg

Trenbolone Base: 100mg
Trenbolone Crystal 93mg
Trenbolone Acetate: 83mg
Trenbolone Enanthate: 68mg
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate: 65mg*
Trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate: 65mg*

Peace and Love
shouldn't there be some clarification between the active half-life of the hormone itself and the delay caused by the ester?

100mg of test -e goes into your system on january 1st. BUT, the actual hormone isn't even active yet. it has to first make its way into the blood stream and be freed of the ester, correct? at THAT point, it becomes active. it would then be active for a few hours and then start dissipating, correct?

so because the ester results in a delayed release of the testosterone hormone, the half-life is displayed as being 5-6 days but that would then make you assume that 5-6 after THAT the drug would be at 25%, but that makes no sense given what we know about the unesterified testosterone hormone.

or is the calculation including the freeing of the ester, thus saying that typically at the 5-6 day mark half of the test you injected has been freed up.....?

does my question make sense?
i'm assuming that is factored in.... as in the half life of the ester (or like percentage of total ester there)

as in.... for a period of a few weeks the test from 1 shot of enanthate is slowly trickling into your system, getting freed up little by little.... to the tone of 50% every 5-6 days.

that means if you are doing two pins of 250mg a week.... your very first week you've already got around or over 150mg of test in your system. considering that is well over what most people are making naturally.... it is reasonable to assume that gains COULD (and SHOULD) be seen from the first week on.

while it may take longer to reach the kind of blood levels that induce more significant strength gains and such.... 1.5x or more of test flowing your body is going to be put to use from the start.

am i off-base here?
i'm assuming that is factored in.... as in the half life of the ester (or like percentage of total ester there)

as in.... for a period of a few weeks the test from 1 shot of enanthate is slowly trickling into your system, getting freed up little by little.... to the tone of 50% every 5-6 days.

that means if you are doing two pins of 250mg a week.... your very first week you've already got around or over 150mg of test in your system. considering that is well over what most people are making naturally.... it is reasonable to assume that gains COULD (and SHOULD) be seen from the first week on.

while it may take longer to reach the kind of blood levels that induce more significant strength gains and such.... 1.5x or more of test flowing your body is going to be put to use from the start.

am i off-base here?

no, you're actually dead on. We tend to overthink this shit too much and guys forget this is easy and don't need all the science (although it is interesting).

What you just wrote i actually commented about in another thread. Guys keep saying it takes 8 weeks for Deca to see gains, 6 weeks for Test. I don't know what planet they are on, but if you aren't seeing some differences in 2-3 weeks of all of it, you're doing something wrong.
yeah saw that post elsewhere and i've thought the same thing myself but i wondered how exactly they came up with the half-lifes and how accurate they were. obviously i didn't wonder enough to put a whole lot of research into it.... but this idea that the test just sits in you dormant for like 3 weeks then BAM, the whole 250 you took back on january 1st "kicks in" suddenly on january 21st seemed like awkward thinking to me.

i mean from everything i've read that is how i understood them to work.... but thinking about the actual NUMBERS made me realize that even with the delays, our bodies should still be seeing above-average test from the first week.
Half-lifes are an estimation. There are numerous factors that go in to determining exactly when the life will be halved.

Such as: BF%, where you put the depot, the concentration of the compound, what knd of solvents were used and how much...............and on and on

some guys will cleave the ester much faster than others just because. the leaner you are, the longer it is.

Esters are fat soluble.
no, you're actually dead on. We tend to overthink this shit too much and guys forget this is easy and don't need all the science (although it is interesting).

What you just wrote i actually commented about in another thread. Guys keep saying it takes 8 weeks for Deca to see gains, 6 weeks for Test. I don't know what planet they are on, but if you aren't seeing some differences in 2-3 weeks of all of it, you're doing something wrong.

Good to know!

good repost Blaze, started up some interesting shit.
lol yeah.
Will do a search before i post a thread.

Least we got some good info on ester weight.

Don't tell me there is a thread about that to.....:nonono2:

I'm sure there is. But don't sweat it. You get a pass when it comes to searching about stuff because we know you aren't a dipshit. :D