Realtionship between good response vs sides

quick questions, is there a direct relationship between positive and negative effects of steroids?

meaning, if someone is a good responder to Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) do they have a greater chance of more/severe sides? I kno there are a lot of variables that can effect how people react to the sauce but lets say in the most simplified form, for example:

2 people are on their first cycle of 500mg of Test-E for 10 weeks with same diet/routine/rest.

Person A: is a good responder in terms of how how his body reacts to the test.
Person B: has some gains but doesnt gain as much as person A.

In general, will person A get more sides?

or is really just luck of the draw? Like person B can get less benefits but more sides the person A? I personally have never done a cycle but looking to do so in a year or so and to me it would seem to make more sense that if your body absorbs or utilizes the chemical more efficiently that ur going to get it both ways, bad and good but i really dont kno, so i come to u guys.

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That's not really a question that has a definite answer... Alot of times it is dependent on someones genetics, physiology, diet, existing issues, etc.. I will say that yes, I have seen that issue in some people.. Perfect example, Lucky13 has a thread floating around about how his liver functions/enzymes are sky high most likely due to a tbol cycle but he says tbol gives him excellent gains. On the other hand, I respond VERY NICELY to Test, get great gains and have almost no sides and my skin stays crystal clear.
Its all in how your body and hormone levels adjust to the compound(s) your on.
That's not really a question that has a definite answer... Alot of times it is dependent on someones genetics, physiology, diet, existing issues, etc.. I will say that yes, I have seen that issue in some people.. Perfect example, Lucky13 has a thread floating around about how his liver functions/enzymes are sky high most likely due to a tbol cycle but he says tbol gives him excellent gains. On the other hand, I respond VERY NICELY to Test, get great gains and have almost no sides and my skin stays crystal clear.
Its all in how your body and hormone levels adjust to the compound(s) your on.

it comes with the experience imo