Reasons for baking


On Vacation
What exactly is the reason for baking? Is filtering not enough or is it better to bake.

If so, can someone give instructions on baking? I can't seem to find them anywhere in the search mode (know there here somewhere dammit!!)
Thanks Easto. So, when I put my sterile vial with solution in the oven, do I need to put a needle in the vial to release pressure and then bake for an hour? I use sterile vials but I don't want to take any chances. Thanks again.
Yes, put a pin in the top of the vial while it is baking. When you heat the oil it will increase the pressure in the vial. If you don't vent, there is a good chance you'll shatter the vial.

Also, when you vent the vial don't put the pin in so far that it touches the oil. This will make the oil run up the pin and will make a mess in your oven.