Recent BD buyers!


New member
I'm thinking about buying a bottle or two for the coming winter's bulk.:jump:
I know what my post cycle therapy (pct) and OCT are.

If I bought the bottles now, how long do you think they'd last before going bad?
Or if anyone who recently bought a batch, what's the exp date on it?

Thanks in advance :bigok:
I assume BD = Beastdrol..

If so, I just recently bought some, but I do not see an expiration date...

I do have a manufactured date of : 2/11

Not sure if it is supposed to have an expiration date, odd that it doesn't come to think of it.
I'm thinking about buying a bottle or two for the coming winter's bulk.:jump:
I know what my post cycle therapy (pct) and OCT are.

If I bought the bottles now, how long do you think they'd last before going bad?
Or if anyone who recently bought a batch, what's the exp date on it?

Thanks in advance :bigok:

Not sure what your thinking about doing, but I would'nt recomend using two bottles in 1 winter.
Its pretty strong stuff and your body needs time to recover from its use.