Beastdrol/katanadrol log!! Getting shredded!

Day 16: Dose: beast 30mg katana 400mg

Overview: go ahead, ask me if I killed it today. Ask me if I murdered chest and triceps,and looked like one vascular mother trucker. No but really, great day today. Ate a little more carbs than usual today, and the sd responded very well. I hit 250x12 on my bench today. At my home gym, so I could've probably got 14 at my club, but it was closed Friday night. (I thought it was supposed to be 24 hrs?) That didn't stop me. I got a sick pump in my forearms doing foreams work to finish it off. Best
part about workinng out at home, is being able to wear no shirt, and flex however much you want. I was feeling huge and lean today!

Sides:back/calf pumps. Really, really moody today,and last night. Makes me think of my obese depressed days.... oh well. I can deal with it. Acne still hasn't subsided, getting better. No huge pimples/scabs anymore. Its only on my face too, my friend on test e has got it all over his shoulders. And I'm getting leaner than him. Ha ha :) but really. Once I pumped out my bench, I said to myself, I freaking love superdrol. I wish I could always be on it!! Hahahaha. Legs tomorrow, oh baby.

Keeping on straight killin it! I'll do some extra cardio since I could'nt do any today at my house.
Peace all! !1!!
Day 17&18: Dose: Beast30mg Katana 400mg

Overview: feeling good lately! Leaning out, getting more vascular,veinier. Liking this a lot! Weight is still around 217-218. Good workouts the past two days. I drank last night again thoughh. I ended up puking it all up anyway. Whatever. No more for the rest of my cycle. My buddy had been planning his party for a while and felt i'd be rude if I didn't. Haha. Great workouts great pumps. Lovin it. Can't wait for the s4. Keeping up on my cardio. The hardest part about this cycle is taking days. Off! Haha

Sides: nagging right shoulder and elbow. Not bad at all, just dull pain randomly. My drive is still there, but I couldn't really get that hard last night. Now it might've been a case of whiskey dick, but when my girl went down on me, I kinda just wasn't as hard as I usually am. She didn't know the difference cause that's the first time we really got into it. We don't have sex because I legitamately love that girl and am going to marry her soneday. Haha. I know that's rare here on the boards, but it is what it is.

Looking forward to the rest of this badass cycle!!
Day 17&18: Dose: Beast30mg Katana 400mg

Overview: feeling good lately! Leaning out, getting more vascular,veinier. Liking this a lot! Weight is still around 217-218. Good workouts the past two days. I drank last night again thoughh. I ended up puking it all up anyway. Whatever. No more for the rest of my cycle. My buddy had been planning his party for a while and felt i'd be rude if I didn't. Haha. Great workouts great pumps. Lovin it. Can't wait for the s4. Keeping up on my cardio. The hardest part about this cycle is taking days. Off! Haha

Sides: nagging right shoulder and elbow. Not bad at all, just dull pain randomly. My drive is still there, but I couldn't really get that hard last night. Now it might've been a case of whiskey dick, but when my girl went down on me, I kinda just wasn't as hard as I usually am. She didn't know the difference cause that's the first time we really got into it. We don't have sex because I legitamately love that girl and am going to marry her soneday. Haha. I know that's rare here on the boards, but it is what it is.

Looking forward to the rest of this badass cycle!!

bro stay away from the boz while on those orals.
Day 19: Dose: Beast 30mg Katana 400mg

Overview: alright, i'l let you guess... terrible day or another BEASTly day? If you guessed the latter, you are correct my friend. I went to the gym with my buddy and he wanted to hit chest and triceps, so I said whatever I took two days off, let's hit it hard. I think it might be a PR but idk. First set I did 275x7, then did it 6 times. Then did 24510 or 11 times? Then 225 13 times. Btw I do full rom with neutral grip. Ain't trying to build a monster chest. Then hit my weighted dips hard af too. 45lbs for 17 reps twice. Nice. But yeah,m I'm veiny, lookin pretty lean. And guess what I weighed in at today?? 220 hoes. The cardio and beast are helpin me recover so fast!!
Sides: ance. Still hasn't gone away. Mood swings pretty bad. Not too much anger, but a shorter fuse, I'm a vfery laid back guy. And you know I got that ALPHA MALE going on playya. Lovin it. Anyyone know when uniquemicals is shippin out their s4? I wanna be on alll 3 for a week :D

Haha. Peace!
Day 20&21: dose: beast 30mg katana 400mgn

Overview: bros, I'm feelin it. I was doing abs today and was seein em all for the first time! I was feelning realy lean, haven't really lost any fat In my pecs, naybe it is gyno. But all my numbers are going up! Feeling real good lately, veins more prevalent, more of em. Alpha male for sure!

Sides: the bad news. I'm so dry on my right shoulder. You can hear the shit rubbing together when I do an arm circle. It's gross. Naggy forearm tendinitis too, but gotta bear down for another week!!. Also let me be real with you guys, I've been freaking depressed lately. Like seriously, for no good reasons at all. I I had a minor conflict with my girlfriend, but nothing major, we never fight anyway. But I've just been feeling straight useless. Like my life didn't even matter. Took so many melatonin to sleep the pain away. I know I can't od on it but I probably took upwards towards 15 3mg pills. I just feel like my life is worthless, which is silly because I have my whole future to look forward too. I didn't go back to my self harming ways, but I was close. I took a hike and sat and thought for solong. I'm not suicidaal, but I seriously contemplated jumping off. Not the greatest on the sides. I just go to the gym to get rid of it all. But swings have gotten bad and have contemplated dropping the drol. Not sure yet. Cause oi se I was so happy when I went to fathers night with my little sister(dad is working). I loved it, and can't wait till that is me and my girlfriend. But she's feeling down lately too. I wish I could do something. Welp sorry for the pity party bros. Acne is better. And pumps are intense everywhere. I like it though. Going ham for another couple weeks!!
man i can only imagine how much you would like 500mg of tes a wk.....

it would make the SD/katan really really come alive.
Day 22: Dose: beast 30mg katana 400mg

Overview: good day today. Had a relaxing day. Did some cardio with my girlfriend right before yoga! No lifting today so not much to report, except I might be upping my beast day 24-28 to 50mg :) haha I know you guys say not to, but my sides are so mild, and feelng so good! I want my s4 to come in already! But I hjave been eating more carbs lately, and feeling a little bloated, but they've been good carbs, so this turned into more of a bulk. But when I see gains on my bench I love it. Even though I don't train for a big chest, just strong because of the sport. I play. Looking forward to leaning out, and these last couple days are gonna be BEASTLY.

Sides: acne getting better, only a few pimples. Depression was bad this morning, but after like 2 o clock I was good! Just woke up feeling badly, and my girlfriend is pmsing and got hall moody on me. I was moody right back. Lol. My temper was a littlw shorter, so the mood swings were there, because I feel so great right now. I love my girlfriend, and love life! I need sleep!
Peace! Thanks for following :D
Day 23&24: Dose: beast 30mg katana 400mg

Overview: still on my happy run. I like this stuff, I'm leaning out, I can tell cause I'm gettin veinier! Uhmm found a new vein inmy biceps, and abs are looking... better. I will not be satisfied till I'm down real low, but that can't really happen having to keep my weight up. I participate in a sport. But yeah! Lettin you guys know now, but I'm upping my dose to 40mg for the last couple days, I have like no sides!!

Sides: no pumps, only one or two pimples left. Alpha male. Cramping up a little easier. But other than that we're good. My mood swings have gotten better! Not as bitchy. Haha. This list will probably get longer in the next couple days... haha

Stay tuned! Btw my weight is still @ 220 :)
Orry for not updating yalS. Today is day 28, finals and whatnot got in the way.

Dose: beast 50 mg katana 400mg

Overview: don't freak on the dosage, it is just for the last couple days. It is my last day. Of beast and I plan to hit chest and arms real hard today. I feel bloated and not that great. But I know I'll feel better after. I cut the beast! I'm pissed uniquemicals hasn't shipped the s4 yet. But whatever. Short update. Sides are the same, moody acne. All that. Peqace!