Beastdrol/katanadrol log!! Getting shredded!

Day 9:
Dose: Beast 30 mg Katana 400 mg.

Overview: today was actually a pretty good day! I pressed 95 lbs on shoulder press(I go below parallel btw) when I have been doing 90s. Making some gains. finally! Same withmy raises, bumped em up 5 lbs. The bad news is I weighed 222 today, some of it may be water retention, but I think I might've put on a little fat. Gotta up my cardio and stop being so lazy. Cleanin up my diet. I had junk here and there the past few days. But I'm liking this dose so far!!

sides: My body pretty much said, screw you. Haha. Not really, just some back pumps today, I need to get some taurine asap! But that's my biggest side on sd. That and the water I'm retaining right now.

But all in all the good news is I'm feelin it! Shiii about to get crazy week 3 and 4! Stay along for the ride fellas! Might start carb cycling, not sure. I just wanna get freaking lean. I've never been "wow" lean. Iwas obese a couple years ago. Oh well. Cheers! Open to suggestions as always :)
Day 10:
Dose: Beast 30mg Katana 400mg

Overview: pretty good day today! Had a great pump in the gym (back and bi's). Man a good pump feels good! Ate super clean, cut back on my carbs and did some cardio! I'm back in it snitches! Haha. I can't wait for legs tomorrow : )

Sides: back pumps. Slight cramping. Other than that we're going steady in this category! No taurine yet. But just got my creatine for post cycle therapy (pct). Sweating a little more though! I like the sides on this cycle!

Ready to keep this rolling! Can't wait for legs on Sunday and chest and tris on Monday !!! Cheers all!
Day 1!:

Just got my stuff in the mail. Took 3 katana with some pb and milk. No lifting today, just yoga at 6:30. Question: can I take katana and beast together?? And dosage timing: beast am pm. Katana am mid day pm? Thanks! :)

You can take them together. Since you're dosing with fats, might as well. Katana I would split it up throughout the day, not too important as long as you're trying to keep steady blood levels while awake.
Beastdrol I like to dose about an hour preworkout. First dose can be about 6 hours before that.

Forma, I personally would wait til week 3 or later to start that. Let the estrogen be your friend for the first couple weeks, get those lifts up, then zap the water weight and harden up later in the cycle.
You can take them together. Since you're dosing with fats, might as well. Katana I would split it up throughout the day, not too important as long as you're trying to keep steady blood levels while awake.
Beastdrol I like to dose about an hour preworkout. First dose can be about 6 hours before that.

Forma, I personally would wait til week 3 or later to start that. Let the estrogen be your friend for the first couple weeks, get those lifts up, then zap the water weight and harden up later in the cycle.

Thanks mate! The only thing with the forma is that I had/have slight gyno from being fat. I don't want to really risk anything. You think ill be alright? I'm only dosing 2 pumps am/ pm on pecs.
Yeah you should be alright with that. Just keep it up through post cycle therapy (pct) to avoid any chances of the gyno coming back.
Looks like things are going well so far, didn't realize how late I was lol.

Another option would be to add a DHT to your cycle which would really help cut down that pre existing gyno IMO.
.Day 11:
Dose:Beast 30mg Katana 400mgp

Overview: pretty good day today! Diet was on spot. My family is in town,and was using my car. So I had no wheels to the gym. Oh well, I said screw it, I rode a bike to the gym. Its only 2 miles or so. Hit my legs super hard, then rode that biotch back. After that went and tanned at the pool. Perks of living in az.Also( side note: why does everyone stare at a shirtless 220 pound man riding a baske
t bike? Haha.)

Sides: just the usual back pumps. Mild acne, nothing I can't deal with.
I'm finally feeling "on" looking a little leaner, feeling a whole lot better. Peace!
.Day 11:
Dose:Beast 30mg Katana 400mgp

Overview: pretty good day today! Diet was on spot. My family is in town,and was using my car. So I had no wheels to the gym. Oh well, I said screw it, I rode a bike to the gym. Its only 2 miles or so. Hit my legs super hard, then rode that biotch back. After that went and tanned at the pool. Perks of living in az.Also( side note: why does everyone stare at a shirtless 220 pound man riding a baske
t bike? Haha.)

Sides: just the usual back pumps. Mild acne, nothing I can't deal with.
I'm finally feeling "on" looking a little leaner, feeling a whole lot better. Peace!

Glad to hear that you're seeing a difference....keep killing it and the results will come!
Day 12:
Dose:Beast 30mg Katana400mgp

Overview: another good day today! Chest and tricep Monday, lovin it! Weighted dips had me looking hyyyaguee! Minor setback, this fat strong powerliftin old man always hogs the one bench in my gym on mondays, sol I said screw it and did incline,and dumbell bench! Noticing a lot more veins! Some in myy arms, and a couple new ones by my lower abs!! Heel yeah. Fat is still stubborn around the pecs and my the glutes. Oh well. Also rode my bike to the gym and back again today.

Sides:back pumps,back pumps,and back pumps. I got the worst sleep in my life too. I laid down at 10, and didn't fall asleep untill 3:30. So I literally got 3 hours of sleep. Oh well, took a nap in the library in between classes. Should get some good sleep tonight, I am exhausted! I'm gonna go to bed at 830 :PlI Also acne gg
Ot a little worse. I hate having pimples. I'm. Such a moody biotch too . Oh well.

Overall solid day! Pumped for what is to come! Off to eat some hawaiin chicken breast. :-)
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Day 12:
Dose:Beast 30mg Katana400mgp

Overview: another good day today! Chest and tricep Monday, lovin it! Weighted dips had me looking hyyyaguee! Minor setback, this fat strong powerliftin old man always hogs the one bench in my gym on mondays, sol I said screw it and did incline,and dumbell bench! Noticing a lot more veins! Some in myy arms, and a couple new ones by my lower abs!! Heel yeah. Fat is still stubborn around the pecs and my the glutes. Oh well. Also rode my bike to the gym and back again today.

Sides:back pumps,back pumps,and back pumps. I got the worst sleep in my life too. I laid down at 10, and didn't fall asleep untill 3:30. So I literally got 3 hours of sleep. Oh well, took a nap in the library in between classes. Should get some good sleep tonight, I am exhausted! I'm gonna go to bed at 830 :PlI Also acne gg
Ot a little worse. I hate having pimples. I'm. Such a moody biotch too . Oh well.

Overall solid day! Pumped for what is to come! Off to eat some hawaiin chicken breast. :-)

you gotta to think, being on 2 orals your not going to feel good. lethargy/flu/etc etc is what you willl be dealing with. sucks but its worth it
Day 13: Dose:beast 30mg katana 400mg
Overview: I'm not really sure what to say about today yet. I felt awesome yesterday, but I fet a little bloated today. Diet was pretty in check. Took everything at the right times. Just wasn't feeling like I was yesterday! Granted I only did cardio today, and I'm a moody biotch right now. Whatever.I just felt a little water logged and not kinda lean like yesterday. Maybe the 30mg is finally gettin to me, we'll find out tomorrow on shoulders day if I'm uppin my lifts too! Looking a little veinier thoughh.

Sides:no pumps today. But acne still flaring up. I ended up picking at one while popping it and now its a scab. Dang. I really had that alpha male feeling wearing a tAnk and sone short shorts to class today, but the acne killed it. Also, I'm having really mad mood swings. Not really anger that much, just from happy to depressed,real quick. My girlfriend understands though. (She doesn't know about my cycle so I can't wait for that "what the. . . ." Look when I get down to 10% !!!
Oh well,be well. Untill tomorrow!
Day 13: Dose:beast 30mg katana 400mg
Overview: I'm not really sure what to say about today yet. I felt awesome yesterday, but I fet a little bloated today. Diet was pretty in check. Took everything at the right times. Just wasn't feeling like I was yesterday! Granted I only did cardio today, and I'm a moody biotch right now. Whatever.I just felt a little water logged and not kinda lean like yesterday. Maybe the 30mg is finally gettin to me, we'll find out tomorrow on shoulders day if I'm uppin my lifts too! Looking a little veinier thoughh.

Sides:no pumps today. But acne still flaring up. I ended up picking at one while popping it and now its a scab. Dang. I really had that alpha male feeling wearing a tAnk and sone short shorts to class today, but the acne killed it. Also, I'm having really mad mood swings. Not really anger that much, just from happy to depressed,real quick. My girlfriend understands though. (She doesn't know about my cycle so I can't wait for that "what the. . . ." Look when I get down to 10% !!!
Oh well,be well. Untill tomorrow!

keep it up boss, you ll get there.
Day 14:. Dose: Beast 30mg Katana 400mg

Overview: I'm liking today fellas! Shoulders day! My shoulders were looking cut af in the gym today, also saw a new little vein emerging while doing my upright rows. Liked it. Not much to report on the weight I was using, cause I took it down abt 5 lbs and did slower negatives, just to shock the muscles and get some systemic hypertrophy going on! But yeah, feeling a tiny bit leaner. Weighed in at 218, not really a concern, didn't eat much last night. But did my cardio, getting a little bit of a nice glaze, good workout overall Finished it off with some abs, and slammed my pure pro 50. (Wish I could get sponsered here pretty soon so I don't have to buy all my supps.)

Sides: back pumps/aches pretty bad aftersnatch grip deads. But had my girl rub her fancy oil on it, took 2 ibys and felt good! Acne still lingering, but getting better! Hair re growth a little from my n2 shampoo:) anyway I could up my dose on the beast to 40mg next week? I wanna hit it freaking hard!

Thanks for the support, peace !
Also, my s4 has been ordered and will get here whenever uniquemicals sends their new batch out. I figjured it would help lean me out, and keep me going once I stop my beloved beastdrol. Haha. Looking forward to it!! :)
Day 15 Dose: Beast 70mg (just kidding. Seeing if you're paying attention ;) ) beast 30mg katana 400mg

overview: you know THAT. Feeling? You know the one where you feel and look like a complete badass? Yeah, I had that today. Hahah. But I'm leaning out a little more, still staying around 218, but my goal of this cycle is mainly to get to 10%. Hit back and bi's today, awesome workout. Felt great, looking a little veinier in my arms, not much though. Just forarms. But after my workout I had my thursady yoga and feel great! My quads are so much more vascular! That is one of the biggest differences in my cycle, my legs are looking pretty cut, instead of just massive. Hahah. But I've only been hittin legs once a week so idk.
sides: acne still there, gettin better though. Back pumps are still a biotch, but I suck it up. Not too much anger. But pretty moody. Haha. Also side, INTENSE WORKOUTS. Lovin it! I wish I could stay on beast my whole lifee! Ready to see some size gains! With time though. Two more weeks at 30. Maybe a couple days at 40 ;) we will see.
But for now, I'm gonna keep straight killin my workouts, rest days, and cardio! Been walking on treadmill 13 incline at 2.9 speed for 30 min(I don't hold on to handles or anything. )
Peace all! Get yourself some beast and katana! And forma :-)
Also, my s4 has been ordered and will get here whenever uniquemicals sends their new batch out. I figjured it would help lean me out, and keep me going once I stop my beloved beastdrol. Haha. Looking forward to it!! :)

You wont be dissapointed with Uniques S$...potent stuff.....just make sure you follow the 5 on 2 off cycle to avoid the vision effects.
You wont be dissapointed with Uniques S$...potent stuff.....just make sure you follow the 5 on 2 off cycle to avoid the vision effects.

That's refreshing to hear! I'm pretty excited about it, mostly cause I'm just looking forward to getting lean for summer,and because I've never been to 10% before. Thanks for the insight!