recent pic, wondering my current bf

Matt. When is "bro" replaceable by "bra". Im confused which one i should use and when it's appropriate. Please advise..
Matt... You really need to stop being so offended...

Nobody here is saying you haven't made any progress. I think its a mutual thought among the boards that you havent made the amount of progress that you should have with 3 years of cycling.
im wondering why you went up to 230?

your pics form last year looked fine man, you didnt need to put on all that weight, not in that fashion anyway , just my opinion ..

did you just set a number and go for that weight?

i wanted to bulk to 220, i think I'm just going to forget that number and see what my body does..
He didnt put on any muscle. Literally only gained fat. Thats not "bulking" thats just called "getting fat"

Lmao, your such a fuckin joke man, no gain in muscle hahaha
The guy saying this has probs been working out for over 10 plus years and still looks all natural
I do believe I placed 2nd in the shred contest here last year did I not clman? What was your poor excuse why u quit
? Oh ya I remember cause u were not cycling at the time lmao
If I am all natural then u shouldn't of had a prob sticking it out and beating me, but again your all talk brother
Lmao, last year before it was my diet, now it's my gear come on hahaha, I am not even done my cut yet to judge lmao
Straight up your diet fucken sucks your not following 3j thats for sure. And your tren has to suck i admit my diet sucks but the tren is what saves me you look fucken horrible why is everyone lying matt? Think about it
Straight up your diet fucken sucks your not following 3j thats for sure. And your tren has to suck i admit my diet sucks but the tren is what saves me you look fucken horrible why is everyone lying matt? Think about it

Okay bro u know it all man, lmao
Straight up your diet fucken sucks your not following 3j thats for sure. And your tren has to suck i admit my diet sucks but the tren is what saves me you look fucken horrible why is everyone lying matt? Think about it

Saves u from what I might ask, getting fatter then u already are?
See where u are in a.month alright, from this.current date and 4 post up some pics and.see.where your at.and myself, this interesting haha
Yup exactly i haven't gained any fat you have to be an idiot to gain fat on tren its for muscle building dam nere impossible to gain fat on tren

Bullshit any aas out there doesn't help on a shit ass diet plan
Your telling me.your diet is working wonders for your physique?
You look like shit if you cant look better now expect when your anorexic who gives a fuck? Im supposed to wait on you and adjust my life and my cut to your time line? I have to cut down in a month? Get a life your tren is garbage you are embarrassing yourself with your inflated ego
Bullshit any aas out there doesn't help on a shit ass diet plan
Your telling me.your diet is working wonders for your physique?

AAS will work even with a shit diet. It will work better with a good diet. One study shows that a couch potato can outgain a natural lifter with a good diet. Sad but true.