recent pic, wondering my current bf

Thanks for posting that pic up bro, she is still a hottie after a child :) legs are still looking great
Her feet are amazing too, she gives nice foot jobs bro
All i wanna know is how do i get my belly button to shift to the side? I fuclen hate it being in the middle everybody has that shit! Your a true leader and said fuck that im gonna be different and have my belly button on the side!
Here bro, she will recall this from last year ;)
Chick's dig a 7" slong bro, u know the leaner u are the bigger it gets
With the amount of fat u carry she probably cant dig out that little pee pee of yours haha

turns out this was photo shopped, here's the original image

Matt, your squat video has only few views, Submit it to failblog and it might boost the view count up quite a bit, but u may not like the comments you will receive.

And that chicken creation of Matt is interesting to say the least.
Yup shes mine 24yr old she loves working out too..... thanks for the compliment shell appreciate that she needs little boosters she just had a baby looks amazing but thinks she lost her body lol

Wait - you have that and you are on here arguing with other guys? I think your priorities are out of alignment - or the Tren is messing with your libido! If you need help with her*... ;)

*give me advanced warning, I need to take Cialis and IPT-141 to override the side effects of my SSRI :(
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This is funny and sad at the same time. Kind of don't know how to feel right now. It's like when you stare at a chubby chick and realize that you're not proud of the boner you are starting to get.
Tell her to post a pic of her bare feet the bottoms and put my name on them ;)
It's to bad I am the way I am, chick's come and go all the time, but something fresh is in the mix banging a 19 year right now, and fuck me best sex I have ever had :)
But your current gf was pretty damn good too bra
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