Recipe modification for higher quantity.


New member
In one of dtones recipes you have this recipe.

Test E/C/D, Deca, Eq 40mls @ 300mgs/ml
12g powder
11.8ml EO
10ml GSO
1.2ml BA (3%)
8ml BB (20%)

If I want to make 100mls what kind of modifications do I need to make?
OP, This is a joke right??

LOL! Not at all, I am not going to claim common sense about modifying something I know nothing about and then to inject it into
my body. That to me is a person without ANY common sense.

I have seen recipes where you calculate and the numbers doesn't make any sense. I need to know for sure what I am doing before
I do something on the edge of stupidity, then have everyone saying you should not have done that.

Common sense is something you are born with (not everyone).
Math is something you learn.

Common sense is telling me not to look at the numbers and ASSUME that you can just multiply it and get what you need.
To me that is wreckless and not common sense at all.

Anyway the question has already been answered, just 2x or 3x the vakues etc etc.
Since when is a mathematical problem common sense?
