Recomp time...with alittle help from Euro pharm

justin h

New member
I'll be logging the first 4 wks of euro pharms sust250 ran by itself...
Then....from week4-14...I'll incorporate npp and var along with the sust to finish.
I've been consistantly bulking on and off cycle for the last couple years in order to gain as much size and strength as possible. As you can see, I'm in need of a true recomp. I'll be carb cycling diet wise to help my acheive goal.
Current weight is 235lbs naked @14ish%bodyfat
Goal: lose around 10-15lbs while maintaing muscle mass & drop 4or5% bodyfat.
Nothing too crazy and imo..easy to acheive.
Wk1-14....sust250 @ 500mg....
Wk4-14....npp100 @ 300mn increasing weekly until 600mg
Wk9-14....var @ 75&100mg to finish
I'll post more pics as I go along and update regularly..
Thanks again to euro pharm.
nice, keep me posted...i also have there sus and masteron...did you get blood work done pre euro? How long where u off cycle before taking there sus?
good job bro, keep it up!!!! I'm starting Sust cycle as well hope it gets me the benefits you've gotten
nice, keep me posted...i also have there sus and masteron...did you get blood work done pre euro? How long where u off cycle before taking there sus?
I had bloods done over a month ago. I could've started then, but wanted to wait until now..
Off since November....I'm more than ready!!!