Red Blood Cell Count


New member
Went to the doc last week and got blood work done.My red blood cell count is 53.3.How can I get this under 50?
Correct. Time to go donate blood. Generally if you are cycling a lot or even guys on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) like myself, we have to get in the habit of donating every 3-4 months. That has kept my RBC's and Hemo in check. Certain compounds can really creep up that RBC like Equipoise so just make sure you donate. And please don't tell the donation people that you are on steroids otherwise they won't accept you. However, you can mention gay sex. I am pretty sure they are alright with that............
Correct. Time to go donate blood. Generally if you are cycling a lot or even guys on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) like myself, we have to get in the habit of donating every 3-4 months. That has kept my RBC's and Hemo in check. Certain compounds can really creep up that RBC like Equipoise so just make sure you donate. And please don't tell the donation people that you are on steroids otherwise they won't accept you. However, you can mention gay sex. I am pretty sure they are alright with that............
I wouldn't even mention that you have high RBC values tbh. I had a gal ask me why I was so interested in donating and I told her that it felt great to donate, but also appreciated the benefits of lowering my RBC. She quietly asked me if I had a doc diagnose this and if one hadn't, not to mention it in future visits as there are certain conditions that can cause elevated RBC levels that would disqualify you from being a donor.

Good luck! :)