Results are in!

Damn 49er, that makes me feel good. I got mine in yesterday. I will be blood testing tomorrow AM doing the same as yourself. I also got Kefei Blue Tops. Reading this thread makes me feel good these are the real deal. Fuck yeah!!! I will post results when I get them back.
Damn 49er, that makes me feel good. I got mine in yesterday. I will be blood testing tomorrow AM doing the same as yourself. I also got Kefei Blue Tops. Reading this thread makes me feel good these are the real deal. Fuck yeah!!! I will post results when I get them back.

Ya bro the first day I pinned I knew it was good. Side effects were intense
What sides affects did you feel besides the numb hands??

I dont know how to explain it but I knew I was on some shit lol I felt real good besides having a headache. I went to the gym after I tested and just killed it great pumps. At night is when I really knew my hands were really numb I kept waking up first 2 days last night I felt great slept like a baby. Hands were not as numb
I dont know how to explain it but I knew I was on some shit lol I felt real good besides having a headache. I went to the gym after I tested and just killed it great pumps. At night is when I really knew my hands were really numb I kept waking up first 2 days last night I felt great slept like a baby. Hands were not as numb

Fucking awesome. Hey, how much are you going to be running per day now?? I assume you just tested with 10ius but you will probably be doing less??
Man I'm too afraid to take HGH, I already have a big ass head as it is, last thing I need is it getting bigger haha.