results of Tren Enanthate cycle (TNT 350)


New member
I just finished a 12 week cycle of TNT 350 (Trenbolone Enanthate100 mg per ml and Test 250 mg per ml) this is the second cycle with Trenbolone Enanthate. First cycle was with a large amount of test and deca and I only did Trenbolone Enanthate for 5 weeks so I was unable to tell how it affected me, dumb for the first time you use a specific drug… I took a very minimal dose through the entire cycle, my goal was to see how my body reacted and gain strength. I took two shots a week for 12 weeks. Each shot once 1cc (Trenbolone Enanthate100 mg per ml and Test 250). My diet stayed the same throughout the 12 weeks. Workout was 5 days a week with 3 days a week of cardio 25-30 mins.
Start stats: 5’10” 225lbs BF 10%
Week 1-6: Slow steady gains in strength. Very little change in body composition.
Week 7-10: No strength gains noticed. Small change in body composition
Week 11-12: Large strength gains. Dropped body fat and gain muscle, hormones became whack and blood pressure elevated, and body temperature was up… always hot and sweating. I gained most of the 9 lbs in the last two weeks.
Finished stats: 5’10” 234 BF 6%
Bottom line, this drug took a while to get into my system and began to work at fully strength. At this point in the cycle I started noticing slight negative results in my body. I loved the results however; they were too late in the cycle for me, so it would make sense that Trenbolone Acetate would produce better result.

For what its worth this was my experience with Trenbolone Enanthate, hope it helps.
I don't care for tren either. Whether it is ent or ace I think the side effects esp limp dick are way to great. i would rather run a different compound !! I am a big fan of test!!
GameOn said:
I took two shots a week for 12 weeks. Each shot once 1cc (Trenbolone Enanthate100 mg per ml and Test 250).

So you were taking 200 mg TE per week? No wonder you were dissappointed - that's a very low dose.
i did a cycle of tren ace at 100 mg EOD and Sustanon (sust) at 500 mg a week . worked out great for me maybe if u up ur tren u will see some better results. and as for sides i really did not experiance any except for a lighter wallet.