Reverse testicular atrophy?


New member
Age: 27
Height: 6'1
Weight: 185
Bf: 11%
Years lift: 7yrs on and off 1 yr consistently
Hey guys im doing Clomid eod 25mg to maybe bring back some testicular function. I have the following below

1. Weak libido
2. Lethargic feeling anytime after 6pm (no energy)
3. Moody in the mornings sometimes (when I use to always be happy)
4. love handle fat that dissapears almost over night anytime I take any estrogen blocking supps (Erase Pro)
5. Not noticing any gains really I keep track in the gym what I do (Progressive overload I write it down)
6. A LOT of testicular shrinkage about 35-40%
7. Balls are sucked up to my body

I have not got any bloods done yet... I have no insurance atm and am low on cash. I did get a script from my doc to go see and endo though. I know its 100% nessessary to get bloods done before I go from there but I am hoping this clomid will do something which it is. So far I have felt insanly euphoric the first 3 days hard morning wood and a ton of energy. BUT! now I am feeling a headeach all day tired and extremely angry and feel like im plugged into a wall. Should I lower the dose to 12.5mg eod? Or just remain.

Where I went wrong 2 years ago
1. 500mg Test 400mg Deca 22week NO PCT (I did what my source told me to do... take Erase pro for pct complete FOOL did gain 31lbs tho)
2. recently did anavar only even though I should not of touched aas because I am already screwed up from first cycle about 2 month ago the second I started toremefiene my libido was back and energy was back but then I ran HCG which suppressed me big time because I did not run an AI with it (increased estro caused suppression and testicular shrinkage).

WHAT SHOULD I DO??????? I have nolva as well as a TON of clomid on hand? Also will I ever be able to touch aas ever again if I do not want to end up on trt?

And trust me I know where I went wrong I should of ran ai as well as hcg with the first cycle followed by clo/nolva and the second cycle I should not of ran the hcg and should of had clo/toremifene or nolva after as well as the anavar by itself I KNOW but what should I do?
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I mean I guess I could order some off the net. 150iu eod? 250iu eod? Also last time I ran hcg (2months ago) it shrank my balls BIG TIME im sure this is because I did not run an ai.
Maybe try the hcg at a low dose and only 2x/week. Like you were running it during a cycle. This might be just enough to work without the adverse sides. So keep the clomid at 25 eod- I think thats a very prudent dosing schedule for it and incorporate the hcg at 250i's on say mon/ thurs or if you want do it every 4 days (250iu's)
Ya, what DPR + Jimi said^^ Your in good hands with these guys..

In my personal experience though, and only because I didn't have access to HCG, I just blasted Clomid at 50mg daily for about 8 weeks. Been 6 weeks since I stopped clomid and still feel 1000x better (libido, energy, etc.)

I got bloods done first tho :p jumped from roughly 500ng/dl up to 872ng/dl whilst on clomid. Need new bloodwork to see where I'm at now, but I'm thinking maybe the super high LH resensitized my testicles in the same way HCG does. Maybe. LH was 6 before, shot up to 20 whilst on.

HCG and clomid would be the way to go.. But if you can't get hcg for whatever reason give high dose clomid a shot ;)

Also your e2 has probably shot up now aswell with your TT, which probably is why you are gettin headaches/feeling moody. My e2 hit 190p/mol on clomid. You could use an AI but I would absolutely recommend getting bloods done FIRST.
Listen I am pleased with all 3 of you and happy you all responded. Thank you very much guys my balls are in your hands. I will get some HCG run it 250 e4d at first and see what happens. Also would my mental state be better on HCG/Aromasin, adex or just staying on clomid (which is making me feel odd) with the hcg thoughts? Also would I ever be able to run a short cycle lets say 5 weeks again in the future with out further damage?
I just started HCG and during my first week I did three doses of 250, spaced evenly apart. I had my wife check to see if she thought they were plumping back up (I have been on TRT for many months now) and she said they are definitely much larger, which makes her happy. I am sure I would have the same results with only 2 doses, but I wanted to speed it along a little bit.
Listen I am pleased with all 3 of you and happy you all responded. Thank you very much guys my balls are in your hands. I will get some HCG run it 250 e4d at first and see what happens. Also would my mental state be better on HCG/Aromasin, adex or just staying on clomid (which is making me feel odd) with the hcg thoughts? Also would I ever be able to run a short cycle lets say 5 weeks again in the future with out further damage?

Not entirely sure how I feel about the bold. Haha, gave me a good laugh though.

Firstly bro, GET BLOODWORK! Lol. Theres a good to strong chance its not the clomid making you feel off, it's probably the high e2. But we won't know until you get bloods...

Personally I would just stay on the clomid whilst running the HCG part, not that its gonna do anything while your using HCG but at least when you stop it the clomid will already be at peak concentration. And yes, more than likely you will need to run an AI alongside this but like I said.. Bloods first! You don't wanna end up crashing e2 whilst your trying to recover.

Lastly I don't think anyone can definitivly anwser that question... I would hesitate to say if the problem is in your testicles only you might be fine if you use HCG properly on cycle... However at the same time since you've already crashed your probably at an increased risk. Pretty much everyone that keeps cycling for years and years ends up on TRT anyway. I would seriously think about if the risk is worth the reward before starting another :) and give your body a nice looong break beforehand if you choose to go that route.
i use 250 iu of HCG the day before TRT shot twice a week and it basically restored the testical size after say 2 or 3 months, now I just do it for maintenance