Hi all just a quick one. Planning on running my third cycle in the next couple of months. Without going into a massive amount of detail and boring everyone, my history is as follows:
I've used in the past sustanon 250, Test E, Testoviron, Tren Hex ( parabolin) and med tech lean gain ( test P/ Tren A/ masteron)
I slipped a disc a few years back and have slowly been getting back into shape, i recently finished a cut which was used to just shed some unwanted fat as im preparing for my black belt assessment in kickboxing. Im currently using 3J's carb cycle diet for a bulk which is going good which brings me onto the main reason for this post.
I'm planning on running a combination of Test and Tren ( ive been told Test E and Tren E is the route to go down) however there seems to be such a broad range of opinions regarding the dosing of each compound, some say run test at minimum levels like 150mg p/w and tren at 500mg p/w, others say balance them at 500mg each whilst others say have test just under at like 400mg p/w.
What are your thoughts on this?
I want to run the cycle for 12 weeks with the usual PCT following and AI on hand.
I've used in the past sustanon 250, Test E, Testoviron, Tren Hex ( parabolin) and med tech lean gain ( test P/ Tren A/ masteron)
I slipped a disc a few years back and have slowly been getting back into shape, i recently finished a cut which was used to just shed some unwanted fat as im preparing for my black belt assessment in kickboxing. Im currently using 3J's carb cycle diet for a bulk which is going good which brings me onto the main reason for this post.
I'm planning on running a combination of Test and Tren ( ive been told Test E and Tren E is the route to go down) however there seems to be such a broad range of opinions regarding the dosing of each compound, some say run test at minimum levels like 150mg p/w and tren at 500mg p/w, others say balance them at 500mg each whilst others say have test just under at like 400mg p/w.
What are your thoughts on this?
I want to run the cycle for 12 weeks with the usual PCT following and AI on hand.