New member
I was planning on starting my first cycle of test (500mg/week) until my bloods came back with my TSH being stupid high for some reason. I am a natty and have been training for a good 4 years now. Here are my values;
Age; 24, height; 6', 185 lbs, 10% BF.
TSH; 12.32 T4; 4.3 T3 uptake; 31 Free throxine index; 1.3
Test; 708 test free; 21.66 IGF-1; 216 Estradiol; 23.6
I've talked with my doctor and he put me on some thyroid armor and told me to get retested in about a month, and it should be normal then. He said it was abnormal but not a huge deal, and that hypothyroidism is very common. My main question/concern is what affect test would have on my TSH if any.
I was planning on starting my first cycle of test (500mg/week) until my bloods came back with my TSH being stupid high for some reason. I am a natty and have been training for a good 4 years now. Here are my values;
Age; 24, height; 6', 185 lbs, 10% BF.
TSH; 12.32 T4; 4.3 T3 uptake; 31 Free throxine index; 1.3
Test; 708 test free; 21.66 IGF-1; 216 Estradiol; 23.6
I've talked with my doctor and he put me on some thyroid armor and told me to get retested in about a month, and it should be normal then. He said it was abnormal but not a huge deal, and that hypothyroidism is very common. My main question/concern is what affect test would have on my TSH if any.