Romo tells '60 Minutes' he used steroids


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Romo tells '60 Minutes' he used steroids

NEW YORK -- Bill Romanowski used steroids and human growth hormone supplied by Victor Conte, the former NFL linebacker tells CBS' "60 Minutes" in an interview to be broadcast Sunday.

Romanowski said he took illegal steroids for a two-year period starting in 2001 and got them from Conte, the former head of the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative, which has been at the center of a steroids controversy in several sports.

"I took [human growth hormone] for a brief period and ... I definitely didn't receive what I got out of THG," Romanowski said, referring to another drug he got from Conte.

In November 2003, the NFL notified Romanowski that he tested positive for the steroid THG.

Romanowski played linebacker for the San Francisco 49ers, Philadelphia Eagles, Denver Broncos and Oakland Raiders in a 16-year career that ended in 2003.

Last May, he agreed to pay former Raiders teammate Marcus Williams $415,000 in damages for after punching him during a practice drill in 2003. Romanowski retired that year, having played in the Raiders 48-21 Super Bowl loss to Tampa Bay in January 2003.

Williams' career ended after his eye socket was broken by Romanowski, who ripped off Williams' helmet and hit him in the face.

Williams, who entered the league as an undrafted free agent in 2002, played in 13 games as a rookie during Oakland's Super Bowl season. He was used primarily on special teams but was trying to earn a regular position during his sophomore season before he was injured.

The Raiders have claimed they are not responsible for any damages, and fined Romanowski $60,000. Romanowski was not charged with a crime.

Romanowski writes about his NFL career in a soon-to-be-released book, "Romo, My Life on the Edge."
Yawn. I bet he gives some inflated percentage of NFL players using HGH and steroids during the interview too. Seriously, does the public find this interesting anymore? I doubt it.
Well, like others have done in the past I think he will say something along the lines of "I KNOW that at least 80% of the players in the NFL are using!" That is obviously not possible for him to know, but it sounds good for tv.
Aboot said:
Well, like others have done in the past I think he will say something along the lines of "I KNOW that at least 80% of the players in the NFL are using!" That is obviously not possible for him to know, but it sounds good for tv.
Seems like a reasonable percentage to be, even though I don't know for sure.
Here's the thing about the NFL's Drug testing.....A friend of mine plays for the Washington Redskin's and he was telling me that during the Season the NFL will randomly test guys for performance enhancing drug's....but heres the kicker, during the off season the NFL does not test for performance enhancing drug at all!! They only test for illegal drugs like pot and coke during the off season, so the players are pretty much free to do heavy cycles and bulk up in the off season as long as they get clean before training camp starts.
is it true the NFL's testosterone level is four times the normal before a player would be considered "illegal" ?
MPPM said:
is it true the NFL's testosterone level is four times the normal before a player would be considered "illegal" ?
No. It is the testosterone:epitestosterone ratio that is 4:1 and the media often does not understand this at all.

The NFL is now following the Olympic standard for this ratio:

Endogenous production of testosterone also produces epitestosterone. Exogenous administration of testosterone does not.

Assuming that all of the bodies testosterone is natural, the ratio is usually about 1:1. But as we all know here on this board, even small amounts of exogenous testosterone will shut down your natural production a good bit. So even an Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dose of testosterone would probably through the test:epitest ratio way off.

Of course, the players could take exogenous epitestosterone. Marion Jones apparently used a testosterone/epitestosterone transdermal:
Romo's a dick. He's the kind of guy that I wouldn't care if he got hit by a bus.

To make matters worse, he ends the playing career of one of his own teammates and the jury only makes him shell out $400,000. Fucking loser.
shitstain said:
Romo's a dick. He's the kind of guy that I wouldn't care if he got hit by a bus.

To make matters worse, he ends the playing career of one of his own teammates and the jury only makes him shell out $400,000. Fucking loser.
I think that was a settlement.
TxLonghorn said:
Sounds low to me.

Last weekend on the television show 60 Minutes is where Romo admitted his use of steroids and human growth hormone. Now, the only reason he did this is because he’s written a book. He wants you to buy it. Don’t bother. It’s going to reveal that Romo broke the rules of the game and the laws of the land. He admits it. “I compromised my morality to get ahead, to play another year, to play two more years, to win another Super Bowl,” he told 60 Minutes.

He not only compromised his morality, he compromised every game he played in while those chemicals roiled through his body. He will say he had too, that he needed to do anything and everything to keep up with the game.

I agree!
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