Rookie with sarms, need some advice.


New member
I've been reading about SARMS for a month now and have decided to try them out. I wouldn't know where to even start with AAS (sourcing, etc.), meaning I don't want to dive in to that right now, and the somewhat-kinda-is-kinda-isn't legal aspect of SARMS makes me feel a little more at ease. At least to start with.

My quick stats are:
Age: 27
Ht: 5'6"
Wt: 170
Bf%: 17%

I've been lifting sort of on and off since I was 19 (time off has only been when I have been traveling for months, sports injuries, etc.).

I've read about the triple stack, but I've also read that I should take it slow with them. Which means there is conflicting info. So I guess I'm looking for opinions here and a little more information.

The triple stack I was going to run:
Wks 1-8 - S4 - 50mg daily (split dosage) - from sarmsearch
Wks 1-8 - Osta - 25mg daily - From RUI
Wks 1-8 - GW50 - 10mg daily (split dosage) - From sarmsearch
Unleashed by Protein Factory (To reduce suppression)

Wks 9-12 - Nolva - 40mg daily wk 9, 20mg daily afterwards - from RUI

Est total: $450

If it's going too quick, I'm thinking Osta would be the proper SARM to run, along with GW50 and Unleashed (basically just leaving off S4), keeping Nolva at wks 9-12. If I were to do S4 + GW50, would I still need a PCT?

Some advice is greatly appreciated!

S4 is slightly suppressive, so I would do a PCT with it, just to be on the safe side. Not worth potentially breaking yourself forever over a few bucks. Personally, I would stay with the triple stack, people seem to love it. Do not forget that SarmsSearch has a 30% off code, DICED30. Saving money is good!

Start a log of your run, people love to see the real world effects of things.
S4 is slightly suppressive, so I would do a PCT with it, just to be on the safe side. Not worth potentially breaking yourself forever over a few bucks. Personally, I would stay with the triple stack, people seem to love it. Do not forget that SarmsSearch has a 30% off code, DICED30. Saving money is good!

Start a log of your run, people love to see the real world effects of things.


One more quick question. Would it be more beneficial to replace the Ostarine with LGD? I've read around that LGD is more potent than Ostarine. I just haven't read anything about replacing the ostarine in the triple stack with it.
S4 is slightly suppressive, so I would do a PCT with it, just to be on the safe side. Not worth potentially breaking yourself forever over a few bucks. Personally, I would stay with the triple stack, people seem to love it. Do not forget that SarmsSearch has a 30% off code, DICED30. Saving money is good!

Start a log of your run, people love to see the real world effects of things.


One more quick question. Would it be more beneficial to replace the Ostarine with LGD? I've read around that LGD is more potent than Ostarine. I just haven't read anything about replacing the ostarine in the triple stack with it.

LGD will put on more size but Osta has some healing attributes that can help you stay working longer. Dunno which I would say to use, toss a coin. :)
Like Cybrsage said, that's a toss up. Either way, you'll have a great run. But, again, like he said, the Osta is easier on your body and if this is your first bout with SARMS, then Osta is definitely the way to go.
Listen to Yjyankee - he has run just about every SARM in existence...and run them many times in many combos!

One more quick question. Would it be more beneficial to replace the Ostarine with LGD? I've read around that LGD is more potent than Ostarine. I just haven't read anything about replacing the ostarine in the triple stack with it.

Goose, I have been wondering the same thing as I am looking into running a cycle. If I was you, I would run osta first.. You don't know how your body will react to this stuff, and from what I read osta wouldn't be a bad first go as it is easier on the body. If you have good experiences on your first run with Osta.. then try the LGD... also its coming to summer time soon were im at, so the cut and bulk thing could come in effect and from what I read osta is perfect for both..
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Based on the date of when this thread was started you probably already started your stack. If you haven't (and even if you have already started) you should get blood work done to see what your baseline test levels are. I did a cycle of osta only for 6 weeks and when I finally did test my bloods my test was only 140 so it obviously had a very strong suppressive effect on me. Because I didn't do bloodwork before I started I am unable to see if I fully recovered even though I did pct and my bloods are normal now. Of course even though they r normal they are barely above the minimum to be considered normal. Was that where I was before starting osta? maybe I will never know. That's why you should get bloods done asap so you can get the closest baseline to normal you can. Click on the link and it will tell you how to get bloodwork done cheap (55$) at a lab near you with privatemd
If you live in an area where buying your own blood work is legal, I HIGHLY recommend everyone do it on a routine basis. I have mine checked every quarter whether I think I need it or not.