rotary training?


I am banned!
just read this.

bottom line is this. " your working on shoulders today. instead of doing 4 sets of each excercise, you do ur traditional warm up and than you do one set of each excercise as heavy as you can. than you drop the weight and go to failure, on each ex. i tried this an hour ago in the gym for "shoulders" and got crazy pumps all over my delts. its not some amazing break thru but something u can through in there to confuse ur muscles when needed." it was a fast work out. almost too fast . i love te gym i hate being done.
Interesting .......Never heard of rotary training before ....
For example how did you pic your heaviest weight...on your working set......
Sounds good
i started with laterals, then did presses. only squeezed out like 8 sets total. but im burning. decent method quick burn out. probably not a good idea f u attend a crowded gym since u would be going back and forth from station to station. almost like circuit training but only one bod part.
Thats like pre-exhaust excercising ......I get it now........
A different variation though .....I try it out next time
good post bro
70w30 said:
Thats like pre-exhaust excercising ......I get it now........
A different variation though .....I try it out next time
good post bro

YEAH IM GONNA TRY IT AGAIN TOMARROW. WITH BICEPS I THINK. start with the preacher than dumbells str8 bar.