Ahh no bud drop the reps more sets
Lift heavy as possible while keeping good fourm for 7 or 8 reps do 5 or 6 sets on your last set drop weight by half rep until failure if you want to bulk you need to lift heavy if you can do 10 reps with good form your not lifting heavy enough
This ^^ is correct. When bulking the idea is to strictly build / grow more muscle tissue. I have always warmed up sufficiently but not to stress that muscle or fatigue it you will need the energy for the heavy weight. I kike doing 3 to 4 heavy sets.
The key to growing is all about lifting to failure and beyond. Going into a negative. THe muscle has no reason to grow unless you over load it more and more so it has a need to grow. Our bodies naturally grow if we constantly call on it to lift the weight. Hey that's what we do right. It will naturally start to adapt and when once was the weight it could not move it will grow to accomplish this.
Simply look at a logger his arms grow big BUT do not keep growing bigger n bigger because the weight of the logs do not increase in weight. They do not weight the same but only so much due to the size is usually the same. He does this ALL DAY everyday. Talk about reps Ha... ya think its a lot ..Yep so many reps and weight not increased he grows to a size ( big arms yes) but the growth stops. BOdy adapts and no need to grow more. My analogy should speak for itself.
So I say 4-8 reps. Put on as much weight as you can to do 8 plus 1 or so then more weight to get 6-8 then 4-6 but failing at that. Lifting failure to the point of which you don't know if you can move on. By only doing 4 sets and the little break between different exercises you'll contine to the next exercise. Limit exercises to 3. Same routine for two weeks and then change for " confusion" . No need to switch up every time. WE want the muscle to grow for the same movement for a while...get that
Last exercise do the same but then after heavy failure sets throw in high reps and burn. This of course will fill the muscle (pump) but that's where it will fill it with the necessary fluids to feed it.
OVER LOAD to FAILURE....like you cant do another set or exercise. It's hard to do your whole routine sometimes. Get a spotter / partner.
NOW for the very advanced BB try to do a Bi's and tri's 3 times wk with one of the three being moderate. Sometime the middle day of the three is keeping the muscle full
Now tell me
your stats, Age ? if too young all this overload can hurt your joints down the road.