RS Transaderm or Phytoserms 347 solo?


New member
Little background, I'm 20 - I know, peak of testosterone, but my body doesn't reflect it. I lift heavy weights consistently, bench squat and deadlift my ass off, eat a ton, sleep well, for months at a time, and all that happens is I get fat. Meanwhile my friend who's never lifted a weight in his life starts following my routine and beats all my PR's in a couple months what took me years. It's been like this since I started working out about 4 years go. Of that, maybe 2 of those years have been working out consistently (at least 3x per week) with programs such as starting strength, GSLP, PHAT, and now GVT... my max bench increased maybe 40 lb (from ~145lbx1 to not even 185lbx1) in those years.

I have very little facial hair, acne, my voice is relatively high pitched. I basically feel like a big pussy. I literally feel emasculated. It's not like puberty hasn't hit me yet. I still exploded from the age of 14 to around 19 but things are level now, whereas people around me have all become manly men with deep voices and chest hair and beards and muscular frames.

Anyway, this isn't meant to be a pity thread. I know I'm young and I don't want to fuck up my body, but I do want to get some sort of edge to compensate for whatever lame genetics I have.

So both of these products are relatively safe, and they're the same price, same dose for the same amount of time. Both increase test through their respective mechanisms. Question is, which do you recommend? I'm having trouble deciding.

hello there buddy sorry to hear your story but keep at it and the results will come, remember effort equals rewards and never give up...

As for your question both are great products, but for your needs, age etc id advise you to run the phytoserms 347, its an excellent standalone product and is very strong.
Transaderm is also great, but can be suppressive if used at higher dosages and longer time periods, and you may or will need a mini post cycle therapy (pct).
Phytoserms 347 will not require a pct and you can simply cycle on and off it without worry, it really is the closest thing you can get to being/feeling "ON" without suppressing yourself or risking health.

As your a smaller guy 1 bottle will last you an 8 week run and its on special offer at the moment as well, look to my signature below and take note of the codes, then follow the link and enter one/them to ensure they work for you..

I am one of the top ruthless representatives hence I am able to give the discounts ;) if you (or anybody else for that matter) needs some help or advise or maybe planning etc on anything, please feel free to pm me and ask away.

hope this is of some help and don't give up my friend..