RUI - Clomid/Tamo/Letro Liquid good to go? (Germany)


New member
Hello guys,

heard lot about RUI.. always positive stuff.

First off I wanted to get PCT stuff in tablet form... but seems strange to order from Molvada etc... because of customs.

Now I found RUI that offer them in LIQUID form... are they working as intended is their stuff really that good?

Also are there any problems with delivery to Germany?

Wanted to order 4 Liquids so far...

Help is much appreciated! :)

Thanks in advance
Yes RUI has very good quality.
It is in Liquid form because what they sell is for "research use" not "human use" otherwise they would not be allowed to sell it. you would need a prescription for most of what they sell there if you wanted to buy it for human use.
Know the laws of your country.
I have had no issues getting it sent to Canada to do my research ;-)
I love the letro and peptides there.
using in my research now:
stane ( just switched from letro which is what i normally use)
Igf1 Des

Good luck buddy
depends on dose. if its 500mg teste ew i would rec 0.25mg eod and IF NEEDED ( some people need more or less) up to 0.6mg eod.

what is your research cycle?
ill start with sdrol 3 weeks complete 10/20/20 and then test 250 e5d, but I need first all PCT stuff for it...

dont know how much nolva/clom/letro Ill need therefore. it will be my first cycle ever