RUI kratom....................

Well I grabbed some when they first came out with it not that long ago. Before that I was using a former sponsor from heres Kratom (UGS). I use it very infrequently when I need to relax. So anyway even though I still had some UGS stuff around I decided to try the rui stuff. I dont know if it is because it is fresher or what but i took my normal 5-6gram dose and it knocked me on my ass. LOL I got TOO relaxed and feel asleep on my couch. I dont know what else to say about it other than it works and its strong. I am kind of happy as its gonna last me twice as long as the other stuff I have so thats cool.
Well I grabbed some when they first came out with it not that long ago. Before that I was using a former sponsor from heres Kratom (UGS). I use it very infrequently when I need to relax. So anyway even though I still had some UGS stuff around I decided to try the rui stuff. I dont know if it is because it is fresher or what but i took my normal 5-6gram dose and it knocked me on my ass. LOL I got TOO relaxed and feel asleep on my couch. I dont know what else to say about it other than it works and its strong. I am kind of happy as its gonna last me twice as long as the other stuff I have so thats cool.
Sounds like quality to me :)
One thing I can say is that the mods and admins here are completely unbiased. They refuse to take free stuff or run logs, and they will say their honest view even if it hurts a sponsor. That is why I love this place.

That said, I had no idea RUI sold Kratom! There is a sale on now, so I will pick some up, I love the stuff.
Thanks man.

Dos anyone who is not a moderator sponsor or admin have any input?

Bro I understand why you would ask this question. Its legit based on how shit works sometimes.
All i'll say is this, if I had a bad experience with their kratom I will be honest I simply wouldnt post in this thread. I WOULD however pm you and tell you that I didnt like it.
I cant bash a sponsor on the open forum, ill be honest about that as they do pay the bills. That being said I am sure as fvck not going to lie for one and make shit up. I do think we are lucky to have rui here as they do have good quality stuff, it makes it easier on staff when people do ask about their products. Anyway I hope you get some member replies as well and I def understand you wanting some member input man.
Well bro I'll say this much, I too tried the UGS brand kratom and didn't get anything from it. Also must say I'm on suboxone, and have been for some time. I suppose that may have something to do with it. Something about the kratom and sub fighting for the same receptor....not sure tho.
I like it alot. Granted this is the only kratom I have ever used but it does exactly what people said it would. For me I love the relaxed feeling I get from it. Good stuff.
Ive been watching alot of kratom vids on youtube. Come to find out...its actually a lifestyle! I will have my rui kratom on tues..

I will post a review
Ive been reading about krantom. Seems at low doses it can be an upper and higher doses its a downer.

Why do folks use krantom? Preworkout ? Sleep aide? Etc.

Would love to hear the use cases.
Ive been reading about krantom. Seems at low doses it can be an upper and higher doses its a downer.

Why do folks use krantom? Preworkout ? Sleep aide? Etc.

Would love to hear the use cases.

personally i think as pain management and or minimal pick me up during work week for eg. this can relate to helping others in pain sleep for sure.
BUT i DO think many are marketing or using kratom recklessly. i dont think every day use as a preWO is the best idea and deff not taking a boat load to get wacky. but if in pain or having a rough workout day a small dose sure.

respect the plant and it is a very useful tool .

I have used Kratom for years. even right now i have about 4 differant strains tucked away (went a bit crazy and bought ALOT about a year back on a deal i got through a friends friend that lived on an island out there (pacific)
and i must add not every strain feels alike. i highly rec the green malay or white vain for day time or energy and the red bureno *spelling for sleep/pain. but as others mentioned even the (day time) strains will have the pain/night time effect if you take a little extra. i only take maybe 4g at a time when i use it, i know others use alot more or a little less. start low and see how you do IMO, it can be great stuff if respected :)
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While on tren, Kratom really helped with the trensomnia. Like others have said it can really help with pain. Like juiced said, it should be respected. On topic though, I don't have any experience with RUI's product.
While on tren, Kratom really helped with the trensomnia. Like others have said it can really help with pain. Like juiced said, it should be respected. On topic though, I don't have any experience with RUI's product.

Yeah I haven't tried RUI's yet but if its as good as the other products I have used over the years I am not too worried and am sure its the same good quality.

also guys keep in mind there can/is a cross tolerance build up if using opiate pain medication because it acts similar in the brain. if you are on script pain meds you should know this. it can be looked at in a couple ways.

here is some examples of what i mean:

*you are on heavy pain pills and made choice to swap them out for kratom -- you may need more kratom than someone else you know that just started it and was not taking other pain meds.

* you are on pain meds and wish to add kratom to cut down dose of pills - must be very careful with this since they will be added together in the body and may actually over medicate you, so you should start off very very slowly.

* you are on pain meds and decide to just add kratom to your pain management- I dont rec this... this is (in a way) over dosing your pain meds.. Kratom is really that legit and strong that it can literally be seen as a pain med, just natural and healthier sure, but still a pain med and to be respected. I do not rec "just adding" kratom to your supplements if your are on heavy pain meds and dont plan to cut down the dose or stop them.

* you are trying to get off script pain meds- you can use kratom to help transition this and avoid withdrawals, but keep in mind you may have a build up tolerance and may have to also work your way down in kratom dose before stopping the kratom as well.
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Yeah I haven't tried RUI's yet but if its as good as the other products I have used over the years I am not too worried and am sure its the same good quality.

also guys keep in mind there can/is a cross tolerance build up if using opiate pain medication because it acts similar in the brain. if you are on script pain meds you should know this. it can be looked at in a couple ways.

here is some examples of what i mean:

*you are on heavy pain pills and made choice to swap them out for kratom -- you may need more kratom than someone else you know that just started it and was not taking other pain meds.

* you are on pain meds and wish to add kratom to cut down dose of pills - must be very careful with this since they will be added together in the body and may actually over medicate you, so you should start off very very slowly.

* you are on pain meds and decide to just add kratom to your pain management- I dont rec this... this is (in a way) over dosing your pain meds.. Kratom is really that legit and strong that it can literally be seen as a pain med, just natural and healthier sure, but still a pain med and to be respected. I do not rec "just adding" kratom to your supplements if your are on heavy pain meds and dont plan to cut down the dose or stop them.

* you are trying to get off script pain meds- you can use kratom to help transition this and avoid withdrawals, but keep in mind you may have a build up tolerance and may have to also work your way down in kratom dose before stopping the kratom as well.

This is a good post. It is def a supplement that needs to be used responsibly man.
I personally like the Maeng Da strain. I tried many different strains via a sampler many months ago when I first tried it. It seemed (and still seems) to me that the Maeng Da is the most potent strain. If anyone knows different by all means jump in but of the ones I tried it def seems the most powerful.
still lost as what this is used for! been looking online too. guess I will have to watch videos

At low doses it has a mild stimulant effect, at higher doses it has a sedative type effect. What dosage to some degree determines what effect you get. Also what strain you use as well. The maeng da is a nice all around choice as it is potent and can be used for both effects but seems to really work at inducing a sedative type effect.
People take small amounts as a pre workout and larger amounts to relax and sleep well and also to relieve pain.
Hope that helps.
I use to remove social anxiety. I was drunk throughout my formative teenage years (and a great many after that) so I never learned how to read people. I actually was tested for high functioning autism spectrum disorder, but was found to not have it. I just never learned to read body language and facial cues. This means that every social situation I enter is like being in the first one ever in my life, every single time. Even meeting a group of friends in a new environment brings anxiety. Like any typical male, I cover anxiety with anger.

Kratom allows me to not care about the situation - allows me to "go with the flow" and enjoy myself. My wife says it makes me a new person, one she wants to be around in those social situations. I take 1teaspoon of powder. Do not accidently take a tablespoon by mistake. 1 tablespoon is 3 teaspoons!!! I was ill to my stomach for hours.
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Ok so i just ate it an hour ago. And i feel fucking great. I want to like...go do almost like an aderal type feeling.
Ok so i just ate it an hour ago. And i feel fucking great. I want to like...go do almost like an aderal type feeling.

hahaha LIFT!!!! then go bench press a parked car :laugh4:

for me i "toss and wash" scoop wuth a spoon and toss in mouth and wash it down fast with some water. I am not a big fan of the taste.
i like this stuff called kava kava also (it doesnt taste too good), but you need like 10x more plant material compared to kratom so kratom is easier to dose IMO