RUI Products


New member
Any advise to which RUI products would be best for the following senario? My pet rat is around 46 and overweight. He is unable to work out do to bad shoulders and back. He needs to lose weight and gain some of the muscle back that he has lost. Before someone says it, I know dieting is best but is hard.
haha, tb500 is really good for inflammation, but also supposedly repair, there is a log on here, also clen has been used for fat burning, but is not considered safe by many.

Put the work in! Hard work pays off, no substitute, if you want it you'll do it
I still think you should workout for health.
fatloss is not really related to workouts as much as peopel think.
i can get my abs showing from just diet adjustments. ofcourse this is easyer with more muscle mass, because that muscle mass burns calories just from being.

the more lean mass you have the easyer it will be for adjusting fat levels.

DIET is going to be your 90% results.

Have you had your thyroid or test/hormone levels checked in the last few years?
this can play a BIG role, and if its not working well or levels are low or high in one area that could hurt your fatloss AND health.

have you ?
Also look into (carb cycling for fatloss) I think it tricks the body well and keeps loss comming, of course calories still need to be watched and just below whats needed to stay where you are. (DONT drop calories too low, or you will just stall even if you stick to the diet that most wont because its not realistic.

hope we can help you.

I would rec Clen or Albuterol, T3. if your blood work is good.
I had an extensive hormone testing a couple weeks ago. My testosterone was 110 and estrogen was high. Other test was normal or close to normal. My doc put me on 250mg test every two weeks and zinc as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I feel some better and will recheck in a couple weeks. I started hgh for a month and felt better than I had in years, then my doc got afraid to prescribe it again, so that went down the drain.
Thanks for your response juced.