Running HCG and then starting the PCT - Can you recommend which way?


New member
Hi Guys,

I am 24 years of age 85 kg i am running 100 eod test prop for last 6 weeks.

I have another 2 weeks to go as i extended my cycle to 8 weeks.

I know i should of started my HCG from day 1 but i didn't and unfortunately there is no going back.

My questions is should i run week 7 at 250IU twice for the first week and then 500IU twice for the week 8 stop HCG and my Test Prop wait 3 days and start my PCT Clomid 50mg tablet a day and tamox 10mg a day for 3 weeks?

Any suggestions or recommendations which way would be the best approach to this?
Have your testicles atrophied at all?

If so, run hCG at 500 iu twice weekly the first week. If they haven't increased in size, do that again the second week. If they have, drop to 250 iu twice per week.

If after the two weeks they haven't increased at all.. You may need to do a short blast. Something like 250-500iu every day for ten days. Wait two days and start PCT. You should run nolva and clomid for at least 4 weeks, preferably 6.
When i touch my balls the actual size of the balls are quite large but they have shrunk as in gone up not hanging as they did before...

Okay i will start my HCG today at 500 iu twice per week and see if there is any changes... and then if there is ill drop the HCG down to 250 iu

Would it not be safer to continue 500 iu for the last 2 weeks? I can increase the doses of Clomid and Tamox if needed? Or it's better to keep the doses what i have and just run it for 4/5 weeks instead?

Thanks !
When i touch my balls the actual size of the balls are quite large but they have shrunk as in gone up not hanging as they did before...

Okay i will start my HCG today at 500 iu twice per week and see if there is any changes... and then if there is ill drop the HCG down to 250 iu

Would it not be safer to continue 500 iu for the last 2 weeks? I can increase the doses of Clomid and Tamox if needed? Or it's better to keep the doses what i have and just run it for 4/5 weeks instead?

Thanks !

Yeah you may as well, not gonna desensitize anything in two weeks. Best to keep your nolva and clomid doses just run them for 4-6 weeks. You should really up the nolva to 20mg daily as well.

Also, you misunderstood me. Where they are 'hanging' is irrelevant and that can change throughout the day anyhow. The physical size of the testicles is the main indicator.