Running LGD for the first time, need an exit strategy


New member
Hey guys, new to this part of the world in bodybuilding. I've been training natty for a few years and have competed and figured I'd use LGD from sarmsearch to kick things up a notch. However, I've read that it's suppressive. My friend runs a nutrition store and he sells LGD from a company called GEC. Said company also advises you follow up PCT with their brand of arimastane (called "Revitastane).

So here's the deal: I'm seeing a company suggest arimistane as a PCT for LGD, and I've seen users on this board suggest clomid/nolva. My question is, can I run an OTC product for PCT or do I really have to track down a source for said SERMS? (It's a concern because I don't know any suppliers. Otherwise I'd shut up and blast OTC PCT products) Please help a brother out!
Don't run lgd alone it will shut you down. Run it w test or at least w a serm. I prefer toremifene. Clomid will do also and run it the entire time
If you're too young for aas then you're too young for sarms.

What's your stats?
Years training
If you're too young for aas then you're too young for sarms.

What's your stats?
Years training

What he said.. SARMS, while being a safer alternative, are still a compound that needs your full respect and RESEARCH. Please take the time to research these chemicals so, when you're old enough, you can run them safely and effectively.
If you're too young for aas then you're too young for sarms.

What's your stats?
Years training

162 lbs (started at 104)
~4 (2 years serious, dieting perfected, competed in bodybuilding and powerlifting and have taken first in both)

My friends on gear tell me if Sarms suppress but don't change estrogen, there's no need for an anti estrogen. Just test booster PCT. Yet, all the info I've gathered from various forums people are running clomid and nova pct. Still thinking of running a SERM PCT for safe measure.
Don't run lgd alone it will shut you down. Run it w test or at least w a serm. I prefer toremifene. Clomid will do also and run it the entire time

I'm about to get my serm, but out of curiosity, I wanted to ask why you chose torem over clomid? Also, what will blocking estrogen do for me while test is being suppressed?
Tor is more closely related to tamoxifen so I'd personally recommend running it with clomid. Lgd doesn't convert to estrogen, so as long as you don't bottom out your natural test I don't think you'd need an AI until the end of your cycle. Pct, I'd suggest continue running Clomid and add tamoxifen. Lgd is awesome and as long as you're not stingy on the dose you'll have great results. And kudos on choosing Sarms Search you went to the G2G.
Tor is more closely related to tamoxifen so I'd personally recommend running it with clomid. Lgd doesn't convert to estrogen, so as long as you don't bottom out your natural test I don't think you'd need an AI until the end of your cycle. Pct, I'd suggest continue running Clomid and add tamoxifen. Lgd is awesome and as long as you're not stingy on the dose you'll have great results. And kudos on choosing Sarms Search you went to the G2G.

Tor/Tamox during cycle, clomid post cycle?

Dosages per day?
Tor/Tamox during cycle, clomid post cycle?

Dosages per day?

Clomid during and post cycle. Run clomid at 25mg with lgd at the end of the cycle Run clomid at 50mg and add tamoxifen at 10mg, run both together for 4 weeks. Clomid is kick starting you're hpta, tamoxifen is blocking breast tissue from estrogen and also causing test production.
Clomid during and post cycle. Run clomid at 25mg with lgd at the end of the cycle Run clomid at 50mg and add tamoxifen at 10mg, run both together for 4 weeks. Clomid is kick starting you're hpta, tamoxifen is blocking breast tissue from estrogen and also causing test production.

Rock on, brother! And these values are mg per day, right?

25mg ed during
50mg+10 ed post?
Yes, run a log. I love logs, they are the real world results people see instead of the theoretical stuff.
Yes, run a log. I love logs, they are the real world results people see instead of the theoretical stuff.

Just got back from the doctor's today with the result from my blood work... My test levels were rated at 541. I find that pretty low for someone my age (22) and can grow at a good rate. But given that I just finished my contest a month ago, it makes sense my test levels are still starting to come back. But, I don't really know since I don't have blood work from prior to my show. So I'm debating between doing a one month mini-cycle or waiting another few weeks to see if my test levels rise, get blood work, and then do a proper 8 week cycle.

I told my doc what my plans were. He told me I could go ahead and do a cycle, and check in with him 4 weeks in to see where my levels are and go from there. He was opposed to the idea that I'd be putting SERMs into my body though, lol.

What do you think guys? I'm still natural and haven't messed with any anabolics. Not trying to disrupt my endocrine system at such a young age.
Bone beside the 10mg LGD and 25mg Clomid during cycle for 8 weeks would u add anything else? Also is the Clomid & Tamoxifen enough for the PCT.

Kenfury if you do run it please log so we can follow.